Max-OT vs HST

Pain Train

New Member
over the past year I suddenely became highly interested in general fitness and lost a ton of weight, almost about 100 lbs of fat and gained about 15-20lbs of muscle while doing so.

My peers almost recruited me into playing football but to be honest I don't enjoy it nearly as much as just weight training and running. I'm gonna finish out the season getting in weight training and cardio when I can and keeping my diet clean.

However as soon as the football season ends I want to dive right back into an intense weight training regime. My goals are to take off 20-25lbs of fat and get that single digit body fat percentage and put on anywhere between 30-40lbs of muscle.

My current specs: 205lbs at 19% body fat.

So far the two programs that have really caught my interest have been Max-OT and HST. Max-OT doesn't seem like anything to revolutionary but definently seems logical, I've heard praise about the program all over the web for gaining mass. However My major concern was that it only would work out fast twitch muscle fibers and a 6 month Max-OT program would be a big hit to my muscular endurance.

HSC appears to be a little less orthodox, I remain somewhat skeptical but highly intrigued and am reading more into it. The concepts behind it seem logical (or at least with the information they provided) and there wasn't much product plugging so that gave me a bit more confidence.

I was just wondering if any of the expierenced lifters here have tested both Max-OT and HST out and what they found for results.
I tried Max-OT before(about 6 months ago) my first HST cycle. I did gain strength, but little mass to speak of. My elbows were really irritated as well. My hands were always falling "asleep" at night. Major overuse injury.

Anyhoo, I too was skeptical about HST. In fact, I posted something similar to you at that time. I even posted that I was "skeptical." Keeping that in mind, I commited to finishing the program and eating the EXACT amount of calories I needed to gain weight EVERY DAY. I am glad that I did, because I gained 14lbs. I am currently having great results with my 2nd cycle.

I would say learn about HST, give it your full effort, and hit your caloric goal every day. If you do those things, I think you will be more than pleased. HST has reinvigorated my training. Peace.
I second Chiefhog. I came from almost 10 years of training old fashioned one bodypart per day 20 sets per muscle.

So when I saw HST i was like come on it cant be this simple. Well it is HST is the best thing that every happened to me as far as training goes. It cuts through all the crap or theory and gives you facts that equal results.

Long story short welcome to HST and Growing again! :)
Well, there is a tiny possibility that people on this board may be a bit biased...

Seriously though, apart from what the other guys said, once you get a grasp of the basic ideas of HST (and consequently of muscle growth), A LOT of the other stuff you know will just seem nonsense.

I won't say choose HST, but rather study the process of muscle growth and then decide for yourself which program best adheres to the principles.

Also keep in mind that you simply can't train heavy (4-6 reps) all of the time. Your joints will remind you anyway...
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]It cuts through all the crap or theory and gives you facts that equal results.

There is still a bit of theory, but that is all about continuous improvement, (Hey the lab life is getting to me, starting to sound like a broken record )
the best part is it really cuts through the crap, and that is why we are still here!

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Well, there is a tiny possibility that people on this board may be a bit biased...

Forgive for saying this as it may sound arrogant, but because I am so sure, I am actually HAPPY TO BE BIASED.

Anyway that is a personal opinion and I am still open minded about things
but when one knows whats good one tends to keep it regardless of what people may say against it

Pain Train

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I was just wondering if any of the expierenced lifters here have tested both Max-OT and HST out and what they found for results.

I am sue if you do a search, about three weeks or so ago, there was a thread discussing this very subject.