Max stim question


New Member
Do any of you incorporate max stim technique while doing HST specifically just for lagging body parts? How would you do something like this and when during an HST cycle?
I have read up on Max-Stim enough to answer your question. If you want to do Max-Stim only for a specific body part, then that is no problem. Max-Stim is basically a repetition technique that can be applied to HST.

For instance... curls, lift one full rep, rerack for your M-time, and then go back at it. You can cluster your reps or stick to one or two full sets.
I use Max-Stim at the end of 5s for several muscle groups and although I don't so this specifically for lagging body parts (heck, all my parts are lagging!) I do feel that it is a great way to keep incrementing the load whilst managing fatigue as well as possible.

I haven't done a full cycle of Max-Stim yet but I do really look forward to the end of the fourth week of 5s because then I start to use it so I can push the loads up further. It works great for most machine exercises like pulldowns, chest, shoulder and leg presses. I also use it for weighted chins and dips. I have yet to try it for squats and deads as I tend to cluster reps in 2s or 3s at the end of the cycle for those exercises.

It's worth a try for arms as well. I got an amazingly deep feeling of strain when I did a set of 20 reps MS style curls with just over my 5RM load. Typing this has reminded me that I really must do it again. I so rarely work arms in isolation but I think next cycle I might give them something extra to think about. Thanks for the reminder!
(Biception @ May 04 2007,20:36)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Lol, how many sets of the 5 do you do when using Max stim? Do you go to failure when doing max stim?</div>
That's not really how max stim works. Have you been to the max stim site yet?
You will never be near failure when doing max stim. You do one rep, rerack the weight, rest for a specific amount of time, then do another rep, repeat until you hit your rep goal. This allows you to use much greater than your 5 rep max, yet get 20 reps or more out of that load.
Max-stim is like doing ONE huge set with a breif rest between each rep. It allows awesome loading and still get alot of reps in....exhausting though.
I believe it is probably the single best way to train for absolute strength/size.
i have said before that i would like to give max-stim a go,the only thing putting me of is my gym is very busy so its impractical that way,and the M time inbetween each rep would probably bore me after a while&quot;dont like taking a break inbetween normal sets&quot;.

scientific muscle
I believe it is probably the single best way to train for absolute strength/size

i dont think there is any one best way to train especially for both strength and hypertrophy,if dan has found it good for him he is a nice guy, but that would mean bbrs,oly and pl lifters will all be doing max-stim how am i going to get in the squat rack
(faz @ May 05 2007,05:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">if dan has found it good for him he is a nice guy,</div>
Aw shucks faz
Seriously, you and I go back a ways now so thanks, I appreciate the kind words.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">but that would mean bbrs,oly and pl lifters will all be doing max-stim how am i going to get in the squat rack
</div>Give it time they will be
Give it time they will be

hope your right mate after all the hard workand the free advise people like you and bryan give out it would be nice if you got the recognition,although your name is coming up more and more on different forums.