Very advanced form of rest-pause. I see the theory behind it, as Dan is very good at piecing stuff together from various sources of research. It does not, in my opinion, increase overall time-under-load (TUL), so the then there must be some other mechanisms at work by limiting rest periods to mere seconds, limiting lactic acid production, and doing only one set (in a sense). The key factor that I saw emerge from reading his very technical description is this method aims to limit fatigue which allows you to complete rep after rep with short pauses between reps. Limiting fatigue has a positive impact on the cascade of events that occur within the muscle cells that cause protein synthesis. So, is this method of training better than doing 5 sets of 5 with 80% 1RM? I suppose the proof is in trying it, because there is no way to give a definitive answer based on the research. The drawbacks of course is that re-racking the bar after every rep of squats, bench presses, shoulder presses, etc... can be awkward and sometimes dangerous. There are neural pathways at work, even when you unrack and rack the weight, and repeatedly doing so during a compound exercise will lead to fatigue in and of itself.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">There are neural pathways at work, even when you unrack and rack the weight, and repeatedly doing so during a compound exercise will lead to fatigue in and of itself.</div>

Me being teh odd &quot;lab-rat&quot; that I am, tried it and found exactly that

My opinion so far, it will work but rather on machines, I'll keep trying it with some stuff, but so far I am somewhat disheartened because it does cause fatigue racking and re-racking, and with heavy squats and bench, it is darn hard to do!
(BIZ @ May 16 2006,23:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I see the theory behind it, as Dan is very good at piecing stuff together from various sources of research.</div>
Thanks Biz, glad to see ya back, how's the competitions going?
Definitely worth a try. Very good advice on arms by the way. I tend to agree with the comments about being best suited to machines as Dan mentioned in his article. Racking and unracking is a time when you are very susceptible to injury, especially when using heaving weights, as you are temporarily off balance.
(Old and Grey @ May 17 2006,08:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Definitely worth a try. Very good advice on arms by the way. I tend to agree with the comments about being best suited to machines as Dan mentioned in his article. Racking and unracking is a time when you are very susceptible to injury, especially when using heaving weights, as you are temporarily off balance.</div>
Well damn, we are just getting all kinds of guys coming back out of the woodwork now. Glad to see your still kicking it O&amp;G.
Actually we all broke out of the Utah SuperMax pen last week. It is highly over rated as a vacation spa!
I do Max Stim and like it.

Its very well suited to smith machines so if you have one of those bad boys its easy, its very doable with freee weights as well with a bit of practice.

Most of Biz's your comments are covered in the site itself.

I started using it about a fortnight ago and am really enjoying it at the mo.

I haven't actually found any problems whatsoever in terms of re-racking the bar etc, I changed some exercises round (dumbbell incline bench to smith incline bench for example) but generally have found it really easy to implement. Mind you I don't do squats so. that might be why!

You don't get much of a pump which I miss a bit but my muscles do feel 'strained' in a very satisfying way and much more than usual - both after the exercise and the day afterwards. How's that for a scientific explanation of the benefits?!
Hi Dan and O&amp;G! Thanks for helpign me get out of prison O&amp;G, the food was nasty!!!!
Haven't had time to compete for a year now with grad school and all. I am an assistant with the strength and conditioning program here at KSU now and it sucks up a lot of time (I still get to train like mad though).

Dan, seriosuly, you missed your calling because you are VERY good at dissecting research.