max stimulation

I was just wondering if anyone tried this method by Dan Moore. Its on under max stimulation.

It seems to be an extension of some of the ideas of hst. They say that fatique during sets isn't important and you can rest between the reps. So say you want to do a total of twenty reps for an excercise you could instead of doing two sets of ten you could do a rep wait a few seconds do an other rest and keep doing this until you reach the total rep number and avoid the muscle soreness. The workouts progress in a similar way to hst. They also advocate working a muscle twice a week instead of three times.

Has anyone any experience with this method and could they share some light on it. How long is the maximum you can rest beteen reps and how would this method effect strength.
big willy

Why not discuss this over at max-stimulation, all the details you're loking for are there.

Just register and voi-la.
Big W: We've all discussed this several times now so do a quick search here. Dan is a regular and much valued contributor to this site. Max-stim can be worked into your HST w/os but as Fausto said why not sign-up over there and ask away.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">They also advocate working a muscle twice a week instead of three times.</div>
This has been talked about a fair bit too. It seems that twice a week is the least you can do and still get good results and that three times a week &quot;may&quot; not be that much better (if at all) but there are many factors involved. I feel that if you can work a muscle three times a week it would be a good idea, as long as overall volume and fatigue level is taken into account.
Nicely said, Lol.

In a perfect BB life, where we won't have jobs but someone just magically pays us for doing BB all our life, I think we will even benefit from more frequent training. After all, we'll have more than enough rest (no stress, we can sleep all day if we want/need to), and we can afford the best foods (since we get a magical paycheck despite not working) so nutrition is a no-brainer too.

But in real life, we get a lot of stress, we get tired from non-BB related stuff, we also have some limitations as to when we can eat and what we can eat. And we can't afford to just sleep all day, or doze off. All in all, we almost always won't get near enough rest or stress control, so more frequent training may not have the effect it may otherwise have.

During a period of relative comfort, I was able to workout everyday (using only a few exercises, all compounds, and controlled volume). Now, with how busy I find myself, I know that won't be good for me. Sometimes, not only have I not slept at all, I also end up taking breakfast at 2pm (yep, not a typo, I really mean 2 in the afternoon). In these conditions, I know I'm hardly providing my body an ideal environment for building muscle, so I take it easy, far less volume, and far less frequent than every single day - and definitely not on days when I haven't sleep yet and took my breakfast later than lunchtime.

Well, that's my $0.02. (Actually, due to how long it is, I guess that's more like $2.00


The title suits you just dandy!

HS:ADMIN - and good work it wa s too! Congrats!

Hey Big Willy, the reason I said that is to be fair to both since max-stim is slightly different but kind of a off-spring of HST!

But most of us who have tried Max-stim or are still busy really post their stuff there! I'm sure you get my drift!