Maxing Out and SD

the RK

New Member
1. Does the SD after maxing out have to be a full 2 week SD, or is 1 week enough?

2. If I max out again before the next HST cycle do I SD before maxing out, and then SD again after maxing out?
1. As far as deconditioning/resensitising goes, 2 weeks >1 week.

2. If you re-expose your muscles to resistance sometime during SD then yes, restart the SD period.
you dont SD before maxing out....just after

and I think 11 days should be enough, I just came off an 11 day SD and I am incredibly sore from really low weights. I cant believe it.

That's good to hear, very encouraging, but just like "the pump", soreness doesn't really mean you'll have better gains (or have any gains at all), nor is it even proof that the SD is enough.

Anyway, whether 1 or 2 weeks SD, it won't matter that much if you start off with the light weights (15RM phase) faithfully. Kinda deloading crap. If you are starting off a little heavier, 2 weeks then (not reallyy entirely 2 weeks, just over a week, but two weeks won't hurt that much if you eat enough).

Regards to all! :)