Maxing Out


New Member
Okay, I have read the majority of posts and replies to posts about reps, rest, etc. To find my 15rm i need to pump out 15 reps til i can't do one more and then make that my ending 15reps on my last workout of week two correct.? Or do i cut it short of 1rep below absolute failure?

Welcome to HST!

Here's something that will always apply thorughout!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Training to Failure
There is no HIT-style failure training in HST. After lifting to momentary muscular failure, the muscles need at least seven days rest before strength levels recover.

Doing this with the frequency that HST requires would easily lead directly to burnout, overtraining, and possibly injury.

HST-style failure generally is defined as lifting with superb form until your form begins to deteriorate and/or you have 1 or 2 repetitions left in the tank.

You will train to HST-style failure on your 15RM, 10RM, and 5RM
workout days. However, many experience strength increases throughout their HST cycles.

Indeed, if your strength increases, you’ll easily avoid failure on your RM days, too!</div>

Taken from Charles Ridgely HST Minor Principles ©2004
(kennith24 @ Sep. 06 2006,01:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Okay, I have read the majority of posts and replies to posts about reps, rest, etc. To find my 15rm i need to pump out 15 reps til i can't do one more and then make that my ending 15reps on my last workout of week two correct.? Or do i cut it short of 1rep below absolute failure?</div>
Correct, but if you hit failure here and there, it's not going to send you to the couch for a week! I will generally stop one rep short of failure EXCEPT on a max day. This works well for ME. You may find different results as we're not all the same. You kind of have to 'feel' your way to your routine with HST, but still adhere to the principles.

It's a stone solid program, but it's not a gravestone!