metabolic stress


New Member
How necessary is metabolic stress? I'm currently doing 96 sets per week. If I add a MS set to each exercise during the 5's I'd be looking at quite a bit more and I don't want to fall into overtraining...
I do not believe you need to add a burn set for that many exercises. When I'm doing 5s, I do only about 4 burn sets. In the end though, they aren't really necessary at all. But they can help improve your gains slightly, so use them if you can.
I don't know. Some people would say that 96 sets in a week is a lot, but that would be about 10 exercises a day, 3 sets per exercise, which during the 5's isn't a terribly high amount. If you add on 4 or 5 burn sets each day, I wouldn't think it would make you overtrain, especially if you are already doing well with the volume you are currently using.
Just watch out and see if you start to overtrain. I don't think you will, but it is possible.
Instead of adding each day, why not just add 2 burn sets to chest, back and legs each WEEK...?

Could be Mon & Wed/Thur for ex.
metabolic stress is always good, allows for better nutrition partitioning, more pumped look, longer glycogen replenishing time, so logically it would be a good idea to increase the frequency of metabolic stress, but the problem is that most metabolic fatiguing exercises are a strain on the CNS(greater freq + higher reps = fatigue on the CNS). So, the best way to fiddle with this is to find the greatest freq of metabolic stress junk you can do while still being able to complete the alloted number of sets/reps for your heavy set.

i can handle 1 set of 15s pulsed at peak contraction 2x a day during my 5s and post 5s. metabolic stress is pretty high during the 10s and 15s so they aren't really needed that much.

how much you need to do is up to you, the more you do the better as long as you can still keep consistent volume and consistent incrementing.
