Military Test and Overtraining


New Member
I have a military physical readiness test coming in May involving push-ups, sit-ups, and a 1.5 run. If I training on my off-days for the military test, would I run the risk of overtraining as I continue my M-W-F schedule?
I take it you're in the Navy. I'd keep the lifting at maintenance and try not to kill yourself on the off days. You can add a set of push ups and situps at the end of your mwf workouts and run on t and th. 1.5miles is not that hard. When I'm healthy I lift mwf and run 3 miles on t,th,sa. If I need to get ready for a PFT I just keep the weights moderatly heavy to maintain strength for my pull up and work on building the run portion.

But I hate running so I just lift heavy and keep the run in to maintain as well.
well, interesting, I think that I would keep my HST and introduce the required exercises for your military test into the HST routine..... infact, push ups is a compound exercise and sit-ups/crunches can fit in perfectly.....

I agree with shadow, 1.5 mil is not hard... on your off days you can do cardio using HIIT technique, that is what I use and that really improve your cardio-respiratory level of fitness, besides the added value of triming some fat.... if you train with HIIT during 1 month, this 1.5 mile thing will be something like a walk in the park under a cool breeze in a spring morning.
I find that doing actual pushups and situps are quite useless, and I find I do better when I am lifting. We do PT 3x a week, I am enver strained after pushups and situps, but the runnign kills me. Anyways, I was usually around a 50pu/2 min person before I lifted (yea, I stopped lifting for a bit when I came to college), anyways, I have maxed (or been like 3 off, grading differences) since I lifted. I never maxed my situps until I started doing weighted crunches HST style. Doing pushups, situps and running on off days will help with the technique.