modification of HST


New Member
I have a question.

Im a student. I trided HST 2 times. And always school or other obligation maked taht i can`t end it !!! Its to long!!!

So I have an idea.

In 15 rep not 2 weeks but one week!! The same at 10 rep and 5rep . Then HST will be short and good for me! It will take 1 month. Of corse i will do then short SD (9days)

All the rudiments of HST are keeped.

So please tell me are anybody was testing this form?
Is this would be good or not? If not why?

Sorry for my poor english. I hope that have a sense what im writing.
I've done a couple of very short cycles like you are discussing that worked just fine. I think the longer cycles give you more time to grow and are better for most folks, but shorter cycles CAN work. Good luck!
I think if I had to try this I would do 1 week 15s, 1 week 10s, 2 weeks 5s and not do the post 5s. I think you will be miles ahead of the RBE so there's no point in going super heavy. Also, you could try 2 weeks of 10s and a single week of 5s if you prefer doing higher reps.

If your joints are feeling fine after an SD you could miss out the 15s and only do them every other cycle. That way you could do 2 weeks of 10s and 2 weeks of 5s and benefit more from the muscle building potential of these rep ranges.
I did a minicycle last year, it was my third HST cycle. I did one week of 10s, then 2 5s and 1 negs. It worked very well for me at the time.
Hmmm I have one more question !!!

What means RBE
I dont know what it is?"
(RBE) Repeated Bout Effect refers to the adaption of the muscle to a given load over time. This has consequences;

- You can use the same weight for a short peroid and still grow
- You have to increase the weight with time

Read the FAQ
Im from polish forum SFD propobly the biggest in Europe sport forum. We have such a section that is caled "Alternative way" ther we talking aboult alternative ways to buid a muscles. Alternative in training (like HST, HIT, OHT and others) and in suplementation and diet of corse. So i read a lot about HST ther but there was no such cut as RBE so i asked. I will read your FAQ. I hope i will understund all beacuse my english is not very good.
Leyus, honestly I don't see anything wrong in doing HST in 1 month as opposed as 2 months.... once I read that the reason for the 2 months is that it takes about that time of working out in order for your CNS to get jammed (CNS is central nervous system) and then you need to call it for a rest..... just make sure that you don't lift to failure on your workouts..... this is a pilar in the HST method
As long as you are keeping the principals there.. as LOL and Toten pointed out, focus more on the heavier phases like the 5's, so I would go

1 week 10's
2 week 5's
1 week neg's

It's up to you, good luck,