Modified Hst Workout


New Member
I love hst and i always had great success with it and i decided that i'm going to take some of the stuff i love (like the 3 full body workouts a week and the no training to failure) and work it into something that i think will give some good results. Take a look and tell me what yall think

Monday (6-8reps)
Bench Press
Chin Ups
Barbell Shrugs
Mil Press
Barbell Curl
CG Bench

Wed (9-12 reps)
Hack Squats
Incline Db press
Bent Rows
Db Shrugs
DB mil Press
DB Curl
Skull Crushers

Friday (13-15 reps)
Leg Ext
Smith Machine Decline
Cable Rows
Barbell Shrugs
Front Ext
Preacher Curls
Cable Pressdowns

Each workout will give me a different reps range and a different exercise so that i can hit the muscle differently each workout On larger muscle groups i'll do 3-4 sets and on smaller muscle groups i'll do 2-3 sets per bodypart. I wont go to failure either.

any suggestions or comments about this?

This may work, however the progression is in reverse and for myself I prefer doing it over a longer time, one can only tell after trying it though.

Let us know how it goes!
My recent focus has centered around better ways to manage injuries, so I actually like the idea of different rep schemes and exercises each week. I tend to believe that short-term progression isn't necessary as long as the weight is increasing over time. The combination of both light and heavy should keep CNS fatigue under control, so strength should be good throughout the cycle. I believe it was Russ who mentioned a similar approach, so maybe he can chime in on his results. Routine looks good, and I'd be real interested to see your growth and strength results for the cycle. Might have to give it a whirl.
That is the way I have done HST for the past two years and find it better for me, esp with fatigue. I don't find it matters if you go up or down in reps during the week although I, like Fausto, prefer to go down in reps.

My only comment would be that you have a lot of sets each day. That is the volume I would use in a twice per week scheme. I think it is too much for a thrice weekly scheme unless you are running pretty high normal testosterone levels to let you recover.

Good luck!
BTW, for my twice weekly programs, I run with 12 reps and then 8 reps. It helps me keep away from injury and bad form and keeps me in the hypertrophy zone.

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alright guys check this out..i've been reading the simplfy and win thread and i might do this

Workout A
Bench Press
Chin Ups
Standing overhead press
(abs) optional

Workout B
Bent Rows
Standing overhead press
(abs) optional

i might throw in some ISO work after my workout if i feel like the bodypart is getting smaller.

I'll rotate the workouts so if i do workout A on monday i'll do workout b on wednesday etc.....

i'll do different reps each week(15/12/9/6/3) in 1 week blocks. 3 sets per excerise.

i wont go to failure but i'll try to start off a lil light so i can try to progress up in weight since i'm not really going to SD before this routine.

hows this sound? short and sweet and it should get the job done just fine.
(p0fell0w @ Sep. 17 2009,3:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">alright guys check this out..i've been reading the simplfy and win thread and i might do this

Workout A
Bench Press
Chin Ups
Standing overhead press
(abs) optional

Workout B
Bent Rows
Standing overhead press
(abs) optional

i might throw in some ISO work after my workout if i feel like the bodypart is getting smaller.

I'll rotate the workouts so if i do workout A on monday i'll do workout b on wednesday etc.....

i'll do different reps each week(15/12/9/6/3) in 1 week blocks.   3 sets per excerise.

i wont go to failure but i'll try to start off a lil light so i can try to progress up in weight since i'm not really going to SD before this routine.

hows this sound?   short and sweet and it should get the job done just fine.</div>
is this one better?

Hi mate...

yeah, looks ok. Certainly the exercise selection looks ideal.
Keep it simple.

Have I read this right?
&quot;different rep ranges each week - 15/12/9/6/3&quot;
&quot;3 sets per exercise.&quot;

Is that 3 sets of 15 reps, 3 sets of 12 reps next week, then 3 sets of 9 reps after that? etc..

If so, then your work volume is going to vary hugely, with 45 reps per set for the first week, (long old workouts) and then dropping to 9 reps per set on the last week? (You'll be finished in about 10 minutes)

Some people, myself included, like to keep the rep range constant(ish) - ie 1 set of 15 reps, 2 sets of 10 and 3 sets of 5

Personally, I add extra stuff like pulsing and loaded stretches after my 3 sets of 5, if I feel that I havent loaded the muscle fully?
(See Vicious's eBook)

But still try and keep the rep range as consistent as I can.

Otherwise, crack on. Looks good. I also like the alternating workouts, though I would alternate upright rows (if you're wrists can handle them) with the shoulder presses? so good luck mate

(Brixtonian @ Sep. 19 2009,4:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">p0fellow,

Hi mate...

yeah, looks ok. Certainly the exercise selection looks ideal.
Keep it simple.

Have I read this right?
&quot;different rep ranges each week - 15/12/9/6/3&quot;
&quot;3 sets per exercise.&quot;

Is that 3 sets of 15 reps, 3 sets of 12 reps next week, then 3 sets of 9 reps after that? etc..

If so, then your work volume is going to vary hugely, with 45 reps per set for the first week, (long old workouts) and then dropping to 9 reps per set on the last week? (You'll be finished in about 10 minutes)

Some people, myself included, like to keep the rep range constant(ish) - ie 1 set of 15 reps, 2 sets of 10 and 3 sets of 5

Personally, I add extra stuff like pulsing and loaded stretches after my 3 sets of 5, if I feel that I havent loaded the muscle fully?
(See Vicious's eBook)

But still try and keep the rep range as consistent as I can.

Otherwise, crack on. Looks good. I also like the alternating workouts, though I would alternate upright rows (if you're wrists can handle them) with the shoulder presses? so good luck mate

thanks for the comment..your right about the volume so i'm going to change the sets and rep ranges around a little bit. do you think this is better?

12reps = 3 sets
9reps = 4 sets
6reps = 5 sets

and i'll do this for 3 cycles which = 9 weeks then post my results.
(p0fell0w @ Sep. 19 2009,8:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">thanks for the comment..your right about the volume so i'm going to change the sets and rep ranges around a little bit.  do you think this is better?

12reps = 3 sets
9reps = 4 sets
6reps = 5 sets

and i'll do this for 3 cycles which = 9 weeks then post my results.</div>
Yeah, keeping the reps more consistent sounds a better idea.

I dont know if there's a 'recommended' ideal rep target - I did hear suggestions of 30 reps per bodypart, once upon a time...
(2 sets for 15's, 3 sets for 10's and 6 sets for 5's)

but I think everyone is different, and will respond differently too, so its probably a case of 'suck it and see'...

Good luck, and keep us updated
