monitoring WEIGHT GAIN on the SCALE


New Member
hey guys, quick question:

how do you guys best monitor weight? i just checked my weight right now after my 4th session in the 15's and i'm 165lbs (up 7lbs from my 158lbs weigh in last week).

i know most of that is the food in my stomach. i weighed myself last time post-workout (so the times are the same) but my weight is very different.

i have been eating roughly 3200 cals a day. i gain and lose weight easily (+/- 5lbs in 1-2 days) so what should i do? i tried testing at the same time of day (post workout). i only have access to a scale on my workout days.
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First, I think you should weight yourself the same day and at the same time each week or 2 weeks. Personnaly, I do it the morning when I wake up. This way, I know this is not due to water retention or anything else that is nutrition related.

Also, I would suggest you get a tape to take your waist circumference along with the scale. If waist goes up too much then I would cut down the calories a bit as your bodyfat increased too much. The best would be fat calipers but the easiest way is scale / tape.

Hope it helps.
Lol, way too much.
6 lbs in a week, that would make you 200 lbs heavier at the end of the years if you keep going like that. Think about it...
Weight can fluctuate alot in the first week of increasing food intake. This is because you could be holding more water weight etc because of the new diet. After you've increased your food intake to a set constant. The second week is when you'll find out how much your weight is actually increasing without being confused by other variables. Ideally you want to be able to gain 1lb a week in body weight, this is around the mark most people sit comfortably. If you gain over that mark, generally you'll just be gaining excess fat which is far from what you want. Obviously everyone's rate is different but 1lb a week is a good rule of thumb.