More help please!


New Member
I am on my last workout of 15 reps, where for example I am lifting 80kg for bench press.
My calculator has me lifting 65 Kg next week for workout 1 of 10 Reps upto a 10 rep max of 90Kg.
To me this seems like a drop in performance as I have just lifted 80Kg for 15????

Is this right or have I got my sums wrong???
I found the best thing to do was to spend some time in the gym before starting the program lifting weights to find out what your 15, 10, and 5 rep maxs are for the majority of excercises on my routine, and writing them down. I found this really helped me, rather than rellying on calculations.

With HST you dont have to train to failure, but it is important to increase the weights/load over the course of your program

By the looks of your 80kg for 15 reps, it appears your not far away from where I am. I was benching around 90 kg for the 15 reps stage, now on my 10 rep stage I am benching around 100kg, so you can see its not a massive increase, but an increase none the less.

Good luck, I hope this helps. Im sure others here will be able to give you a more detailed answer, but I am still realitively new to HST myself, so just passing on what has worked for me


This overlapping is caused by the way your program is built, typically you should start at 75 - 80% of your rep max for that particular rep scheme, (you can always go lower but its not adviseable) and then add 5 - 10% until you reach the 100%.

You can however build your program to avoid the overlapping, generally speaking you should not overlap by too much, if you go back a maximum of two steps that is generally ok, as it helps with conditioning for the next phase.

Keep this in mind and plan to check your rep maxes properly if you did not initially, guesstimating also leads to this syndrome.

To me as long as you get progression overall it all good.

Happy training.
If you were benching 90 reps for15kg are you benching 100 for 10 reps as your 10 rep max or are you looking to increase that?
If you were benching 90 reps for15kg are you benching 100 for 10 reps as your 10 rep max or are you looking to increase that?

I will be looking to continue to increase the load through the program. I am currently on my first week of 10 reps, and first session was 95kg, 2nd 100kg, 3rd 100kg. Next week when doing my 2nd week of 10 reps I will be looking to progress to around 110kg. Then during my 5 rep period, i will begin with around 115kg and look to increase this to around 125kg by the end of the 5 rep stage.

I also found it quite helpfull to look at the training log section of the forum, and see how other guys structure thier programs. Yuo may also find it helpful to create your own log in their. I did, and its always to get feedback on my progress from other guys who are experts on HST

Hope this info helps, and good luck with the training. Let me know us now how you get on.

I think my program is pretty similar, i did 2 working sets for the 15's and was thinking of 2 sets for the tens. what do you do?
I think my program is pretty similar, i did 2 working sets for the 15's and was thinking of 2 sets for the tens. what do you do?

For the bench I do 1 WU set, then 2 working sets accross all rep ranges. If I find the 1st set to easy, I'll increase the weight slightly