More prooft that HST works


New Member
I put one of my clients on what is essentially a vanilla HST program, and these are his stats after 6 weeks (I put him on SD every 6 weeks):

Measurements in kgs and cm (metric)

6weeks ago Now
Weight: 79 81
Shoulders 117 119
Chest 96 98
Arms 33 35
Waist 93 95
Thighs 51 53

BF% 14.0% 14.7%

This guy's had already been training for a few years, and had gone from about 60kg (was extremely underweight) to about 79 and plateaued, so he was an experienced lifter who had experienced significant growth through conventional lifting. Then he came to me and wanted a new program because he hadn't got any gains in a long time.

So I put him on HST and as you can see he's put on 2cms on every measurement and didn't put on too much fat (tri and chest skinfolds were the same, stomach 2cms more). So by my calculations he's put on 1kg of fat and 2kg of LBM, which is quite an achievement for a trained guy in 6 weeks. His strength has also improved markedly as well, which had also plateaued for quite a while. Just by looking at him you can see he's much broader in the shoulders and bigger in the arms too.

So I'm very happy with the result, and another big win for HST!
Cool stuff Peak. Why only a 6 week cycle though? Another two weeks of 5s or negs would have been typical vanilla HST.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Why only a 6 week cycle though? Another two weeks of 5s or negs would have been typical vanilla HST. </div>

My question too, could you be loosing out on extra growth? After all you are there to do the negatives with him, aren't you? Otherwise even the extension of the 5's would do seeing that he improved on strength.

Just tips...after all you're the trainer...yoh...I wish i had guinea pigs to work with