Moving "max" forward one workout?


New Member
Has anybody tried, or thought about, moving the "target max" weight in a mini-cycle forward one workout, in anticipation of strength increases?

For instance, say your 15-rep max for a certain exercise is 100 pounds, and your increment is 5 pounds. Instead of putting 100 pounds on the second Friday, put it on the second Wednesday:

<span style='font-family:Courier'>Mon Wed Fri
80  85  90
95  100 105</span>

Pros? Cons?
Pros- getting to work with a heavier load, possibly more growth. Satisfaction of greater strength increase.

Cons- Increased time with maximal weights could lead to overtraining, manage this by using appropriate volume, frequency and avoiding failure
No point in doing this really unless you only plan on doing one cycle and then doing something else. It's all about the load increasing over the whole cycle. It's not about pushing yourself nearer to failure more often. You can use the w/os after the 5s to push yourself to new levels before starting on negs. Each cycle you should be pushing the loads up anyway. It's all about progress over time.

One thing you could do is find new RMs for 15s and 10s at the end of your cycle so you can see how much you have improved. I tend to just add 5 or 10 lbs to the previous loads depending on how hard or easy the 15&amp;10RM w/os were. New 5RMs are the only ones I really know.

So don't get hung up on progress mid-cycle. Any progress will become evident at the end of the cycle anyway. Then next cycle the loads will be higher. Doing things this way, I will have added 100lbs to my 5RM squat over the course of one year (five cycles). I just have to push it up another 10lbs before I finish this cycle to get there. Easy!  
I agree with both style and Lol, save increases like that for the end of 5's specially if you are extending them, don't do it mid cycle and you will reap the benefits at the end the way it should be, that is when you are strongest and pushing heaviest!
I think it depends on how you feel. If your last workout you hit the reps with a little left in the tank, then increase the next workout.

There is no reason why you cannot extend the rep range for a couple more workouts, you don't have to be so rigid in sticking to the schedule. The only problem would be if you had too much volume.

I sometimes extend the 10's until I can complete both sets of 10 (usually only 2 workouts).