MSP + diet for cutting phase


New Member
After about 4 weeks of a shortened HST cycle, I've gained about a good solid 10 lbs now weighing in at 195-198. Viscious has already explained the MSP technique to me with the PR zones and all, but I'm not sure if I was suppose to keep it under wraps or something. Havent seen him around, but if any experts can help me out with this it would be greatly appreciated.

My plan for cutting is to eat around maintenance for the next 3-4 weeks. Low carb high protein during the day until post workout where i carb up.

continue with my extended 5s for every other day, but do MSP every day. I will probably perform MSP with the heavy set 5s when it falls on those days.

my question is the diet. should i follow Bryan's schedule of low carb high protein during the weekday then carb up during the weekend? I think i remember viscious saying that MSP causes much metabolic fatigue, so I'm assuming glycogen deplenishment? which means lower protein synthesis. I just want to figure out a good meal plan for a cut phase with MSP.

thanks for the help anyone

Refresh me Noob, what is MSP? And PR?(are you talking about Partitioning Ratio?)
Dan, viscious said that i had first dibs on this and that he was putting this in his new e book, if you think i shouldn't post this you can take it off and i can just PM you about it. thanks dood


Explain on the site :D

I am just as confused, how can we help if we don't know what you mean?
sorry guys I'm not sure if i'm allowed to post the routine up, but as soon as viscious gets back i'll ask him if i can put it up. For now just PM me and i'll show you a quick run down that he gave me.
