Muscle Recovery vs. Neurologic Recovery


New Member
I'm looking for literature to support the HST principles of muscle recovery vs. neurologic recovery. Abstracts would suffice as I could get access to a local university reference library if needed.

I'm not looking to put HST on trial in any way. I'm genuinely intrigued by this particular topic.

If this is posted in the wrong subforum, mods feel free to move the thread.
A good place to start is by clicking on the "HST" tab on the top right of this page, read the article and the sources sited at the end. There are also lots of newer tests cited throughout this forum. Check out the two research forums on the HST Forum Home site.
Thanks for the reply.

Regarding the "top right" link, I'm sure there's plenty of info in the repeated bout effect studies. Unfortunately, none are clearly cited in that particular article to support 48 hours of muscle recovery vs. 7 days of neurologic recovery when training to failure. Also, the introductory article doesn't go into recovery as in depth as in the FAQ pdf. So I wouldn't expect what I'm looking for to be in that section anyhow.

I'm seeing plenty of evidence in the hypertrophy research subforums that supports higher frequency to maximize anabolic activity, eccentric loads, etc. But, I must still be overlooking the studies to explain recovery periods.

There are no related topics in the performance research subforum.

I'm not giving up. This is a cool topic and I want to learn more
Do a search at pubmed using authors Komi PV, Enoka RM, Bigland-Ritchie B, Gandevia SC, Vøllestad NK, Noakes TD, Westerbland H, Sahlin K, Lambert CP
with any of the keywords, force recovery, fatigue, maximal voluntary contraction and so forth.

That should give you a pretty good laundry list to start.