Must read threads for newbies in HST forum

Comeback BB

New Member
As a newcomer in the forum I´m trying to collect important threads, I know the order is important too.
The Basic Info:
0) Brian's HST description on the Web, SD definition, Eating for Size.
0.1) HST FAQ - compiled and arranged in nice PDF by Daxie uploaded by jvroig.
0.2) HST Minor Principles PDF by Ridgely
0.3) Less is more? -> Simplify and Win! by Fausto
Motivational resons:
1) your results with HST... by Shrivian

Others: Glossary,

I'll be modifying this thread until compleated...
any sugestions for the following... :confused:
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If you dig deep enough under my old logon (dkm1987 or actually imported_dkm1987 now) you should find (somewhere) a pdf of Bryan's snippets that I compiled several years ago. If I knew where it was I would link it but I just don't remember anymore.

Good luck
