My 1st Hard Core BULK


New Member
I think I am ready to do a bulk. I have done HST bulks in the past but that was pre HRT. I did get some muscle from them but nothing major. Since I started HRT in May, my focus has been mostly on fat loss but I have put on some nice muscle too. Now I need to get these 17 1/4" biceps past 18".

Here is what my current program is
bench, squats, dips, chins, pullups, seated cable rows then I sprinke in some tri extensions, curls and calf raises here and there. 2 sets in 15's and 10's and 3 sets in the 5's. I also try to streatch out the last couple weights in the 5's so the 5's last almost a month. I do 45 min cardio 3 times a week.

For the bulk I am gonna increase my test a bit to 250mg per week, so you could call it a weak AAS cycle.

I am thinking of adding a bit of volume because of the extra test. Also gonna try out creatine for the 1st time in a long time. I am thinking;

Bench, chins, dips, Mil press, squats, calf raises as my core lifts

then finish up with single set of curls, tri extensions, decline bench

suggestions or comments......?
Looks pretty good.

-Your isolations should induce stretch. IIRC curls on an incline bench work good for bis and standing skull crushers for tris.
-I love deadlifts.
-I would add a row in there... specifically pendlay rows.
-I would do incline bench instead of bench if you already have dips.
-I am not sure there is a point to doing decline bench if you are doing dips... unles you want to alternate them.

Whats the 2nd set of 15s for?
You gonna do any cardio?
You wanna swap arms?
I find that when I do 2 sets in the 15's there is less joint pain in the 5's. Plus I just like the burn.

I plan on keeping my 3x per week of 45 min cardio and just eat more to overcome the calories burned.

You don't want to swap arms LOL. I am 6'2" so my arms are pretty long so they don't look that big. I think I would need 19" arms to look impressive.
No deads?

Becaue you are dropping reps towards the end of the cycle, I think you should add in some extra work during the 5s in view of the extra test you will have coursing through your veins.

You want to try to make the 5s as productive as poss. so I reckon a final set of 10 reps with your 15RM is a good way to add in some extra work for your big lifts like squats and deads. They feel great too.
(Lol @ Dec. 06 2006,03:38)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">No deads?

Becaue you are dropping reps towards the end of the cycle, I think you should add in some extra work during the 5s in view of the extra test you will have coursing through your veins.

You want to try to make the 5s as productive as poss. so I reckon a final set of 10 reps with your 15RM is a good way to add in some extra work for your big lifts like squats and deads. They feel great too.</div>
I wish I could do some deads but with my back I am really pushing it with squats. Even with squats I have to keep things fairly light,

The drop set during the 5s is a great idea. I do them from time to time but never during the entire 5s.
With the extra T, perhaps you should consider doing 2 sets of 5 immediately followed with 2 sets of drops at 5 reps each. Make those muscles pay for the 6 week vacation they got.