My 2nd Cycle - Workout Routine


New Member
Below is the routine I plan to use in my second cycle.

My 2nd HST Cycle:

My routine is based on this model:

For the 5's, I add one set per exercise to maintain the volume in the 10's.

I feel like I should do 2 sets per exercise instead of 1 set for some and 2 for others.

How are my increments?
I start each mesocycle with 70% of the RM.

I'm not too sure how I should approach the post 5's.
I plan to keep working with my 5's, adding 2 drop sets per exercise... is this a good idea?

Should I change the order of the exercises?

In my previous cycle, I didn't include any isolation exercises. I've added them to my 2nd cycle to bring out lagging muscle groups.

Thanks for your help again guys!
Looks good to me. I did a very similar workout, not surprising as I based it on the same model as you. (I did some deadlifts and dropped shrugs & rear delts). I made some great gains especially chest/back and upper leg eg +3cm cold, used the exact same order as your plan.

Increments are fine.

I used Max-Stim post 5's, but reduced to core exercises like the Simplfy & Win thread, just kept increasing the weight by a similar amount but did each weight 2x e.g on Mon & again on Wed. However tendons in forearms took a beating, not helped as I think I allowed my wrists to bend back too much on those heavy pushing movements, as I just noticed on my last workout.

I used Max-Stim for my Bi's & Tri's throughout 10's & 5's (I just used the weights calculated for the 5's during the 10's & 5's by repeating each weight 2x so that my final weight in the 5's finished up as originally set). I did this as they did not grow during my first cycle and I was unable to complete a full set sometimes, this cycle they were +1cm bigger at the end of the 5's.