my 3rd week of my first HST cycle


New Member
On my 3rd week of my first HST cycle, on my 2nd workout of the 10's today. My routine is below. Any opinions or critiques are welcome. I’ve been lifting for 6 years, weigh just about 200lbs with 16% bf. It seems like a can handle this volume as I did 2x15's and 2x10. I feel it may be a little back/trap dominant. Should I drop the shrugs and add close grip bench perhaps? Thanks.

Standard Dead Lift<O:p></O:p>
Leg Extensions<O:p></O:p>
DB Bench (slight incline)<O:p></O:p>
BB Shoulder Press<O:p></O:p>
Rear Delt Fly<O:p></O:p>
Row (wide grip - on the hammer strength machine) <O:p></O:p>
BB Curl<O:p></O:p>
BB Tri extensions<O:p></O:p>
Looks okay. When the weights start to get heavy and the sessions start to go long, you might want to drop out some of your bis, tris, and flys. Shrugs don't hurt (traps are nice!), but you get plenty of work there just from regular deads.
Unless you really feel need it I wouldn’t switch out the Shrugs for Close Grip Bench. You’re already doing 3 pushing movements plus Triceps Extensions do you really need a 4th pushing movement?

Your exercise selection looks great to me right now. If you were going to drop the Shrugs I would consider adding Leg Curls to balance out the Leg Extensions. However, since you’ve already been lifting for 6 years you would know best where you need the extra emphasis.
already having 3 pushing movements makes sense to me... I didnt see it that way. I should probably get through the whole cycle before making any changes.