My Favorite HST Workout(s)


A lot of you might not have any interest in this, but if so, here's the workout order I prefer (and variations for different cycles). I've done HST off and on for quite a while and I certainly find it the most effective. It is also really great with extended periods of not working out ("very" strategic deconditioning!).

I tend to follow the typical 15/10/5 rep format. I've tried doing 15/12/10/8/5/3 (one # for each week) and other variations and it doesn't seem as effective. I usually do a week or two after the 5s of low reps/heavy weights. I've actually never done the negatives(!).


  • BB Rows (I really prefer to do these when I'm fresh. I find them awful after deadlifting or squats)
  • Hang Clean (usually 2x5, so not HST style, but start the weight very light at the beginning of each cycle)
  • Front Squat (or regular squats)/SLDL (do a set of squats, wait a minute and then SLDL or romanian deadlifts)
  • Bench/Pullups (wide-ish, palms facing away)
  • Dips/chins (narrow, palms facing)
This is my favorite. I like the a/b antagonistic groupings for most exercises. I don't check out the forum very often, so I don't know if it's been discussed before (I'm sure it has!).


  • Barbell Rows
  • Squats
  • Bench
  • Pullups
  • Shoulder Press
  • Deadlift
  • Dips
  • Chins
I used to almost always do this one. It takes longer than grouping the exercises together though. I'm more and more pressed for time and it seems like the older I get the better the quicker workouts feel.


  • Front Squats
  • Deadlifts
  • Bench/Shoulder Width Chins (palms facing)
  • Dips/(sometimes calf raises, but I don't find them necessary. I usually just stretch my legs between sets here)
I've been doing this one more and more. I seems to hit everything and I'm able to hit deadlifts pretty good.

I started doing front squats instead of regular squats more often a few years ago when I developed a nagging hip/back pain (I do not recommend trying one leg dumbell straight leg deadlifts).