My first HST cycle: advice and opinions


New Member
Hey guys, okay?

I training for one year and four months in traditional routines and I will start my first HST cycle.

Frequency: Mon, Wed and Fri, split AM / PM

15's: basic (1 set)
10's: basic (2 sets) + specialist (1 set)
5's: basic (3 sets) + specialization (2 sets) + metabolic stress (1 set, 15 reps)
pos-5's: basic metabolic stress + specialization + + optimization techniques (cluster reps)

Leg Press
Bench Press
Barbell Row
Shoulder Press

Deadlift / Squat
Dumbbell Press

Seated Calf Raises
Barbell Srugs
Barbell Curl
Lying triceps extension

Metabolic stress
Leg curl / leg extension
dumbbell fly
Bent-over dumbbell row
lateral side rises

So folks, what do you think?

What are your current stats? Are you squatting near 1.75 X BW? BP 1.25 X BW?

Seems a little complicated to me. I could see keeping the AM/PM split but changing it to an A/B split and losing everything else. Unless you're already well trained and really need all the other stuff.
I need a little clarification before I really say anything. In your distribution section, you list all the rep ranges. Are you thinking that you're doing 15's, 10's and 5's in the same workout? Apologies - I just want to be sure that you understand the fundamentals of HST from a programming perspective before talking about the lifts.
If you've only been training for an year simplify things. Take a look at the simplify and win thread, run a couple vanilla HST cycles and build it up from there. I don't mean to offend it is just that you'll probably get a much better cost/benefit by going simple at first.
My 2¢:

During 15s I'd do 1.5-2 sets, or one set of 15 and then a set of 10, something like that; with only four exercises each session and without adding any isos, I think you'll still be able to get through your 15s workouts quite quickly. Maybe drop to single sets of 15 once you approach your 15RM loads if you feel like your afternoon sessions are suffering from fatigue.

For metabolic work during 5s, just do a high-rep set (~15 reps) with around 25% load reduction of whatever compound you have just been doing. Simpler and quicker.

During post-5s mesocycle, dropping to triples with your 5RM loads works really well to help keep fatigue under control. There's no real need to push for 5 reps with your first set. If you are able to safely increment the loads once or twice over the final two weeks then great. Don't compromise form though as it's not worth getting injured for the sake of a few more pounds on the bar. Also, have a go at doing some negatives for dips and chins during this mesocycle and see how they work for you (be sure to do some lighter metabolic work too).

Why not log your progress in the log section? I'd be interested to see how you get on with 2 x daily, 3 x weekly sessions.
Hey guys!

I have 25 years old, 6.04 ft and 195 lbs (10% bf). I made up my routine following the advice of the texts Pimp My HST Foreword ( and HST FAQ ( Faq_book.pdf)


What are your current stats? Are you squatting near 1.75 X BW? BP 1.25 X BW?

Seems a little complicated to me. I could see keeping the AM/PM split but changing it to an A/B split and losing everything else. Unless you're already well trained and really need all the other stuff.

Thanks twindeltatandem. The routine is not complicated. It is almost equal to the 'vanilla HST' ( What changes is the order in which exercises are included in the routine, instead of every exercises since the first day (vanilla HST), I just do the basic exercises in the first two weeks and add the specialization exercises in the following weeks. According to the text Pimp My HST Foreword, muscles like the biceps, triceps and soleus are best stimulated by charges from 75% of 1 RM. Therefore it is best to do the isolation exercises for these groups from the fourth or fifth week (10's). I could continue with the basic routine, but I want to give special attention to my arms. Depending on how my body react to the training, I can add or not the exercise of metabolic stress.


I need a little clarification before I really say anything. In your distribution section, you list all the rep ranges. Are you thinking that you're doing 15's, 10's and 5's in the same workout? Apologies - I just want to be sure that you understand the fundamentals of HST from a programming perspective before talking about the lifts.

Thanks _tim. I apologize for not having made clearer. The idea is the same in all HST routines : two weeks microcycles (2w of 15's, 2w of 10's, 2w of 5's and 2w of post-5's), increase of load in each microcycle (increments of 5% of 5RM exercise thereof - see Some Minor Principles of Hypertrophy-Specific Training by Charles T. Ridgely) and use of maximum load only on the last day of each microcycle. Thus, for example, the routine runs in the third and fourth week is:

Leg Press (2X10)
Bench Press (2X10)
Barbell Row (2X10)
Shoulder Press (2X10)
Seated Calf Raiser (2X10)
Barbell Srugs (1X10)
Barbell Curl (1X10)
Lying triceps extension (1X10)

Deadlift / Squat (2X10)
Dips (2X10)
Chin-ups (2X10)
Dumbbell Press (2X10)
Seated Calf Raiser (2X10)
Barbell Srugs (1X10)
Barbell Curl (1X10)
Lying triceps extension (1X10)


If you've only been training for an year simplify things. Take a look at the simplify and win thread, run a couple vanilla HST cycles and build it up from there. I don't mean to offend it is just that you'll probably get a much better cost/benefit by going simple at first.

Not offend, rather, the opinion of experienced users is welcome. As I said above, the routine is virtually identical to the 'vanilla HST', just divided into sessions AM / PM. Still not sure I'll add the techniques of metabolic stress. It depends how my body will react to training sessions. I read the treaty Simplify and Win and I used to ride my basic routine. But I can not really related training for eight weeks without doing a specific exercise for the arms ... dunno ... is a psychological need :)


My 2¢:

During 15s I'd do 1.5-2 sets, or one set of 15 and then a set of 10, something like that; with only four exercises each session and without adding any isos, I think you'll still be able to get through your 15s workouts quite quickly. Maybe drop to single sets of 15 once you approach your 15RM loads if you feel like your afternoon sessions are suffering from fatigue.

For metabolic work during 5s, just do a high-rep set (~15 reps) with around 25% load reduction of whatever compound you have just been doing. Simpler and quicker.

During post-5s mesocycle, dropping to triples with your 5RM loads works really well to help keep fatigue under control. There's no real need to push for 5 reps with your first set. If you are able to safely increment the loads once or twice over the final two weeks then great. Don't compromise form though as it's not worth getting injured for the sake of a few more pounds on the bar. Also, have a go at doing some negatives for dips and chins during this mesocycle and see how they work for you (be sure to do some lighter metabolic work too).

Why not log your progress in the log section? I'd be interested to see how you get on with 2 x daily, 3 x weekly sessions.

Thanks LOl! Excellent tips. I intend to post my impression of this cycle in the log section just to share experiences with others. I should point out that this cycle of training twice a day is the exception, not the rule. Have time available until August so I decided to try the AM / PM spit.

Next week I intend to find my Rep Max. Please continue opining on my training to improve it. I do not want my excitement prevails over common sense.
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Hey Schops!

I will echo the other guys. I would keep it simple at first. And simple works great. I loved Vicious's "pimp my HST" but if your not careful it will only confuse matters (and he warns us about that in his forward). I would do at least 3 vanilla cycles before you get to pimping. Also I think pimping is really for guys who have been at it a few years and want / need a tweak or boost to their program ... a refinement. But it is really important to remember vanilla HST works great! Simply and win points this out. I think we all suffer from the "more is better" syndrome. I mean that's what bodybuilding is all about ---> more muscle, more food, more weight, more women, bigger shirts etc. I know I went through the "if HST is good, how can I make it better?". I'm all for pimping HST I just warn against doing it too early, or doing it too much. Just one man's option Bob