My First HST Cycle


New Member
Well I've been looking and reading throught these forums for a few weeks now and recently decided to try out HST. I've tried other workouts and while I get stronger, I don't grow as much as I would like to, and frankly, mass is much more important to me than strength. I've found out maxes and am doing SD right now. Here are my stats:

Age: 19
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 217 lb.
Body fat: 24%
Goals: Lose fat, gain muscle. I don't really care as much about how much I weigh, i care more about having less fat, and more muscle.
Supplements: ON 100% Whey Protein, CellMass, Lipo-6, Multivitamin, Chromium Picolinate, ZMA, and Vitamin C.
I have a pretty balance diet, lots of oatmeal, vegetables, fruits, yogurt, etc.

I've attached my workout in a word file.

I start off doing about 10 min. of intense cardio, maybe I should do more? I used to run 3 miles everyday, but that's probably too much.

Also, I will be doing Dips and Chins, but since I can't do that many, I will just do as many as I can, I didn't include them with the other exercises. Also keep in mind that all of the weights except for the Deadlifts do not include the bar.

How many sets should I be doing of each?

I will not be doing negatives, I will just do the 5 RM over, but should I be doing them exactly the same?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks everyone,

hey whats up man.

if you do this right..HST will change you for good.

you can lose a lot of fat doing this.

try making the 5's like a circuit training.

as in cross work...if you do chest, then do back, then chest and back...back to back with rest inbetwen in 2 sets. that way you really get the engine cooking.

eat under maintenence.and you could drop 4 or 5 lbs of fat in 2 weeks with the 15's.
Thanks frivolous, I'll try what you said about the eating under maintenance and the circuit training during the 5's. Sounds good.
Anything I should change about my workout?

Workout is fine, I would not change anything there, except alternating squats/deadlifts, as I know this becomes too much for most guys lower backs.

Do your cardio on off days - try the Tabata protocol, saves time and works like hell...just do a search here.

I'd go easy on the protein for now, but try to keep a high protein diet, low carbs and fat, something like P - 60 C - 25 F - 15.
Just keep the fat fighters like Chromium and the Lipo-6.

Hope this helps.

Work at maintenance levels or slightly below to increase the fat burning.
I think I could give you some hints that took my bf% from 25% to 9% in 4 months.... but man, you have to forget about big increase in muscles... that is a must.. unless you discover our gold (no fat + muscles at the same time)... but I recommend to bite the bullet and get rid of the fat first... then everything will be sweeter and easier... it is the following:

1) nutrition:

1a) start counting calories, I use a software I purchased through internet (fitness assistant).. I am addicted to it now but it has helped me a lot... ok, your daily goal should be to have a deficit of 500-1000 calories (after considering everything, what you eat and what you exercise)... I used to have 700-1000, but I went over the board really... do it with 500 and then it will be smoother... it will guarantee 1 lb/wk=approx 0.5%/wk

1b) I stick to the more traditional p=30%, f=20%, c=50%.... however, I try to have AT LEAST 1 gr of protein (COMPLETE proteins, that is from animals) per pound of "LEAN" body mass (usually I am between 1.25-1.5)... by the way, try not to get addicted to protein shakes, try to have your proteins from real animals like chicken, fish, cheese, milk, etc.... leave the shakes for snacks or when you are in a hurry, or early in the morning to decrease your level of cortisol before your cardio and protect your muscles a little bit (more on this below).

1c) 5-6 meals a day, breakfast has to be big time (20%-25% of your calories, emphasis on complex carbohydrates and some proteins to start off the day on good track.... increase your proteins as the day go, especially if you workout in the evening.. limit your carbohydrates at night

2) cardio:
ok... the fun starts now...

2a) jogging: every other day (I did it for 45 days in a row, but I acknowledge it is crazy), get half an hour earlier, inmediately, before getting dressed, so you can give 10-15 minutes before exercise, take protein shake with 5 gr of glutamine and 1x1,000 mg vitamin C in order to decrease your level of cortisol and protect your muscles from catabolism.... this cardio in the morning tends to increase your level of cortisol... jog for between 30-45 minutes.... you can incorporate once a week some HIIT for 20-25 minutes but this will kill you really if you do it all the time.

that's it...... I know it is demanding and requires discipline but once you start seeing that caliper reading going down you will feel you will never be above 12% again... and only when you bulk.

cheers and good luck
Thanks everyone.

Fausto, what do you mean by alternating, alternating by week or what? Thanks man

Latinblast, thanks for the advice, it looks like you've been in the same place that i'm at right now. I downloaded the fitness assistant program and it's cool, the stuff you said looks tough, but I'm going to try it.

Also, should I do my HST program at the same time that I'm cutting calories, and will I see results, as in gain some muscle, and lose fat?

Thanks again everyone, I appreciate the feedback!
I doubt you'll gain significant muscle and lose fat at the same time unless you are a noob, on drugs or genetically gifted. Most people simply struggle to minimize muscle loss while cutting fat. That's why it's best to focus on one goal at a time i.e. bulking and cutting cycles.
HST, however, is a great program for cutting.
jvega023: You alternate the squat and deadlift every other workout ie., Monday: squats, Wed.: deadlifts, Friday: squats, Monday: deadlifts etc. When the weights go over 400 pounds, it would probably be best to deadlift only once a week. I only deadlift on Wed's.

Why aren't you going to do neg's with dips and chins? I think they are the two best upper body exercises.
Thanks everyone,
liegelord, i never thought about the neg's with the dips and chins, good idea, i will do it, thanks man
yes... I saw your personal info and we were exactly the same.... same height and same level of fat... so, that is why I know it will work for you.

You can use HST synergystically with jogging to reduce fat (or other cardio exercise) but you must accept that you will not see big gains in muscle.... perhaps your measurement will increase a little bit but I would say it might be more due to the voluminization (if creatine & glutamine is taken) .... but believe me, if you get rid of the fat first you will be in a privileged position because your bulking up periods can be sustained longer and there is a special feeling of being in shape by seeing your six-pack day in-day out... so, don't be afraid, go for it, you will not lose muscle.

If you want some detail.. just let me know


I think Liege answered that for me! Thanks Liege

Latin - cool info not at all unatainable.

JV - you have to see a transformation, kinda like a metamorphosis, if you lucky some of the fat will slowly turn to muscle, but most definitely the muscle under the fat will "pop out" as the fat dissolves and is flushed out of your body.

But in the end, when cutting I doubt you will see increase in muscle mass, it is just not feasible to accomplish both!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">1x1,000 mg vitamin C in order to decrease your level of cortisol and protect your muscles from catabolism.</div>

Vitamin C does that???

yes, the function vitamin C in bodybuilding is to decrease the level of cortison (you need to take 1 in the morning, 1 after lunch and 1 after dinner... 1000mg tablets)... cortison is a hormone that is produced during stress... and when you do your weight training or cardio you are impossing stress on your body.... therefore produce cortison ...... our body is something unbelievable, geared for survival.... when you produce cortison (then you are subject to stress) there are chemical reactions that makes your muscle break down for your body to obtain additional glucose, which is then what you need in case of needs to run away fast or produce force.... that way you can run away from predators, etc. with more chance of sucess
he he he...... well, in spanish is cortisona and I have seen in english the following: cortisol, cortison, cortisone..... so, can anybody help me??.... how is it in english ??