My first HST Program


New Member
Hello everyone !
I will start my first HST in 2 months !
I have selected exercices to do and I want know your opinion about them !
I hope that your will help me to perform and finish my preparation of this first cycle!

Here there are ! :

Chest : - Incline Bench press
- Pullover
- Flyes
- Shoulders Raise

Bi's : - Curl
- Close Grip Curl
-Drag curl
- Hammer Curl

Tri's : - Close Grip Bench Press
- Lying Triceps Press
- Bent-Over

Forearms : -Palms up and Palms down Wrist Curl

Traps : -Barbell Row and Barbell Shrug

Shoulders :- Arnold Press
- Upright Row
- Lateral and Front Raise

Back : - Bent Over Row ( reverse grip) too
- Good Morning and Stiff-Leg Deadlift

Glutes : - Butt lift and Glute Kickback

Hamstrings: - Barbell Lunge
- Straight-Leg Deadlift

Quads : -Deadlift
- Wide Stance Squat

Claves : - Standing Calf Raise en Reverse Calf Raise

It's my selection , I hope you will tell me what exercices are useless or even if there are too much exercices and above all I hope you will tell me exercices to introduce in my program !

Thanks !
I would narrow my selection down to the big lifts.

Bench Press
Military Presses

To make it easier on you, you could split that up into two different workouts if you want.

Maybe it will not sufficient if I will perform a full body workout
By the way I will select 2 exercices of each body part to train !
ok , if you said that...
I will make a new program and post it in order to see if it's better !

All other advices are welcome !!
I just want to add something : Now I understand the problem with my program , Can you give me a selection of the most efficient exercices I have written on my post plz !

You don't need 4 biceps exercises and 3 triceps exercises IN ADDITION to them being worked on your chest and lat days.
Bench Press
Military Presses

Calf Raises


Incline DB Curls
Listen to keystone, fausto and colby, (unless you're injured) those seven exercises are the holy grail, make sure you eat above maintenance. Shoot for 2x bodyweight in squats (full olympic squats) and deadlifts (conventional bent leg) and 1.5x bodyweight with bench presses and rows.

Each one will permit the greatest load for each muscle group.
thanks for your answers !! They help me a lot

So if i understand ,exercices that keystone and colby advise are fully sufficient to work my whole body ?
Hi Liegelord,

I'm currently nowhere near squating 2x my bodyweight, 1.5x bench etc.

I've experimented a little with HST and concluded that with the poundage I was lifting I wasn't reaching the intensity I was hoping for and that was better of starting with a conventional split routine and building my strength up to as stage where I'd benefit from HST 3/week full body programmes.

What does everyone think?
I think you can try to reach much that your actual results !

To perform my first HST everyone are agree : I must reduce exercice to the big lifts .

My only disquiet is that my whole body doesn't grow...
(Biou @ May 21 2006,07:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hi Liegelord,

I'm currently nowhere near squating 2x my bodyweight, 1.5x bench etc.

I've experimented a little with HST and concluded that with the poundage I was lifting I wasn't reaching the intensity I was hoping for and that was better of starting with a conventional split routine and building my strength up to as stage where I'd benefit from HST 3/week full body programmes.

What does everyone think?</div>
I think a conventional split is a horrible way to build up your strength. That's pretty much the worst thing you could do to try to gain strength.

Something like 5x5, which is time tested and has produced masses of strong people, would be way better than a crappy bodypart split, which has only worked for like 1% of the lifters who weren't on drugs. If I wanted to focus on strength, I'd do 5x5. In fact, I have done 5x5 and it worked brilliantly, unlike a conventional bodypart split.

Intensity? You need to forget about things like intensity, pump, etc, and focus on what actually builds muscle and strength. How things &quot;feel&quot; is irrelevant. Your body doesn't care if you felt like you got a good workout. So, stop letting your mind fool you into stagnation, and start thinking about what actually causes real, sustainable growth that won't stop after a few months.
(NoMercy @ May 21 2006,08:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I think you can try to reach much that your actual results !

To perform my first HST everyone are agree : I must reduce exercice to the big lifts .

My only disquiet is that my whole body doesn't grow...</div>
You've said yourself that you have no time, due to school, so you should start with a seriously abbreviated routine... something that takes only ten minutes to complete, preferrably. Then when you have more time, you could use a more complete routine.

Try something like this


1 to 2 sets of each. You should be able to breeze through that and still deal with the 40 hours of school you have to attend each day, and still get some sleep at night too. Then all you have to do is eat in a non-retarded fashion. You should be able to make some gains even like this and without cutting into your school or sleep schedule.

Oh, and your whole WILL grow with just big lifts. Why do you think they are called &quot;compound&quot; lifts? Because they use more than one muscle group.

Bench hits chest, arms, shoulders
Row hits the entire back, and arms
Squat hits your legs, glutes and back

Hm... looks like you just hit your entire body, except maybe your jaw muscles, though you could get those too if you just clench your teeth real hard when you squat heavy.
[/QUOTE]Hm... looks like you just hit your entire body, except maybe your jaw muscles, though you could get those too if you just clench your teeth real hard when you squat heavy
Thanks Totentaz your answer is great !

I will perform my HST with Big lifts , I don't have to worry about exercices .

Thanks !