My first HST program


New Member
Hi there everyone I've been training on and off now for seven years in those years I've had some good gains my starting weight being 63kg at 21 years old going up to 92kg at the age of 27 I've always done a basic routine of chest and tris, back and bis, shoulders and legs which I've loved doing until about 6 months ago when i tore a bicept tendon and totally messed up my shoulder!!! after having months of on physio on it I've just started back training six weeks ago and have done for weeks HST which I love :) but seeing as it is my first program i would if you guys could take a look and maybe give me so advise if needed thanks.

Routine A:
bench press,
weighted dips,
wide chins,
bent over rows,
dumbbell shoulder press,
lateral raise,
reverse flys,
ez bar curls,
Ab crunches

Routine B:
bench press,
weighted dips,
wide chins,
arnold press,
lateral raises,
barbell rear delt raises,
hammer curls,
leg press,
leg extensions,
ab crunches .

I alternate between these 2 routines each workout following the HST principles of 15 10 5 negatives and increasing the loads each workout till I reach each rep max over 2 weeks. any advise would be appreciated thank you
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Personally I would suggest learning by experimentation. If the routine is good for you, then go with it. Everyone is different.
For me, I tend to only do basic movements (compounds) - I wouldnt do the 'fancy stuff'. Also, you need to keep your workout to around 45mins or less, ideally, and once you're into the 2 sets of 10s, and 3 sets of 5s, that can really lengthen - unnecessarily - your workout.
Remember that you're doing these workouts 3 X a week, so that is a lot of volume.

I'm a few years older than you, but I was about your age when I started HST, and even then I stuck with the basics. The saying goes 'keep it simple'

There is a good thread on here for basic and effective routines.

But try your routine out for a couple of cycles first, to see how you get on.

Good luck

Cheers brix I will keep on I've had good results so far tho it is probably a lot of it is muscle memory I'll keep on with it. thanks for the advice