My first HST routine


New Member
Hello This is my first hst routine. Upper body on one day, lower body on the other, and two sets for exercise. I do shoulders on the lower body day. Training six days in a week.

Upper day

Incline DB press
Underhand Pulldowns
Flat Barbell Bench Press
Bent Over Rows
Barbell curls
Close Grip Bench Press

Lower body
Stif Leg Deadlift
Leg Extensions
Seated Calf Raise
Military Press
Lateral Raises
Rear Delt raises

tks to everyone.
IMO - it's a bit too much volume. You don't need to have two isolation exercises for one muscle (i.e. triceps - pulldowns and close-grip) If you're doing squats - why do you need to add the extensions?

And remember - even if you're doing an upper/lower split which is 3x/week, you still need to eat a bit more than standard 3x/week training.

Eating = growing

I'm assuming underhand pull downs are for the back not triceps....

Personally I would prefer to do a whole body workout 6 times a week than a split but that's just me, looks fine as long as you can handle squats and deads on the same day.

I wouldn't say extensions are really needed but if you want to do them as a stretch point movement on top of squats I don't see the harm, probably best to add them in the 10s though.



it is not too bad, IMO.

I second Colby however I think he meant to refer to biceps, underhand chins/curls - you'd be better off dropping the curls, but that is up to you as the chins are primarily for the back but that grip hits biceps well.

If I were you I'd use the isolations till the end of 10's then drop them all, the big weights should hit the right muscles.

Hope this helps
Actually I was referring to pulldowns as in cables - triceps

Okay - I sound like a bafoon, but you get the point.