My first HST workout. Please criticize it !


New Member
Hi, I decided to give it a try with that new to me kind of training. I want to gain more size than i am currently now. I am not going to put to much exercises for legs because i dont want to put too much emphasis on them ( i have bad knees and cant do squats). I am aiming at bigger chest and arms. I want to have a figure of an fitness model not a body builder. I plan to do every 2 week blocks as follow : 1x15, 2x10 and 3x5 as doing the 7 and 8 week the same as 4th and 6th.

Leg press
Bench Press
Bent Over BB Rows
Seated Shoulder Press
EZ Bar Curls
Lying Tricep Extensions
Standing Calf Raise

What do you think about it. I accept any critique from other more advanced lifters.

P.S Please someone to clarify me how i should do the warm ups.
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Looks pretty good. Eat for weight gain and that program will put muscle on you.
The only thing I would change is maybe replacing flat bench with incline bench. The upper chest is where most are weak and it shows. The upper chest looks the best also. But other than that man I really think you put a good amount of effort into your research and the planning of your program.
Yeap i made a bit of research before choosing my final program. Regarding the upper chest i have already put Dips which will work them enough as long i am adding weight to them.
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I still wait for approval for my program. Also, can someone please tell me how should i do the warmup. I dont know how to do the dips ( i can do like 12 with BW) how to add weights in what order.
For the bench press which is better ? To do DB bench press with Dips or only Incline barbell bench press ?
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One more question. Can i train only the first week with 1x15s and then followed by two weeks of 2x10s , two weeks of 3x5. This will make the cycle 5 weeks so i just need to add two more weeks of 5s ( because i dont want to do negatives). My question is with what weights should i continue with the last two weeks of 5s. Thanks
Leg press
Bench Press
Bent Over BB Rows
Seated Shoulder Press
EZ Bar Curls
Lying Tricep Extensions
Standing Calf Raise

What do you think about it. I accept any critique from other more advanced lifters.

P.S Please someone to clarify me how i should do the warm ups.

I would probably do:

Squats( personal preference but leg press good)
DB incline bench
Chins(Bent over BB rows fine tho)
Standing BB shoulder press( will work more muscles as you need to stay stable, the seat helps you)
Bicep curl machine( to prevent cheating, but dont do them myself as chins works biceps more than enough)
Skip lying tri-extensions as dips will hit them enough.
Standing calf raise.

Thats basically what I would do but everyone, onviously, has their own preferences or are limited to whatever equipment is to hand.

Re warm-ups:

Everyone has their own school of thought regarding this. Some people like to do a bit of cardio or brisk walking for 5-10 mins or so. Then build up the weights gradually in a couple of stages to prepare the muscles for lifting heavier. I skip cardio completely(coz it sucks). I usually start with ca30-40% of my first main lift and do 4-6 proper reps with full ROM. Then take ca60-70% and do a few more. Unless its really heavy where I might do one or two reps at 80-90%. But usually two lighter sets before I get to work.
Thank you for your replay but I already edited my workout ( thanks to Totentanz ) and it looks like this:

Leg press
Leg curls
Incline Bench Press alternated every next workout with Dips
Bent Over BB Rows
Military Press
Standing Calf Raise

Honestly i do like squats and i prefer to do them instead to do leg press and one more additional exercises but the problem is in my knees ( they snap every time i do squats, even if i do them with light weight). Anyway i am not so leg obsessed and can used to not have big legs lol ;d..... Although, I am not sure about the BB rows, should i do them parallel to the floor or slightly upright.
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Dont underestimate how much big legs help facilitate a nice wide upper body. I prefer symmetry to otherwise. But you will be doing plenty of legs on that routine. The rows are usually done at around 45 degrees. Good luck!
Yep I know that this is correct and legs shouldnt be underestimated. This is why i included the leg press and curlz instead of give up totally from doing legs. However, I am not sure is it a good thing to continue do squats, bearing in mind that i have that little snapping every time i squat( even with light weight).
Something else which i want to ask guys. Will it be okey if i do only one week 1x15 and then move to two weeks of 2x10 ten two 3x5 and when it comes time for negatives just to do again two weeks of 3x5 ( also with weight should i do them if this is an appropriate way)
Something else which i want to ask guys. Will it be okey if i do only one week 1x15 and then move to two weeks of 2x10 ten two 3x5 and when it comes time for negatives just to do again two weeks of 3x5 ( also with weight should i do them if this is an appropriate way)

Yes it will. Its all about increasing the load. Once you get to the final week of 5´s you can see how you feel. That load should be enough to continue using (3x5). Or you can increase the load even more and do sets of 3. This would however mean 5x3, which I find too much when its that heavy, so perhaps 3x3 then a set or two at a lighter weight(1-2x12) so youre still doing the same amount of work.
So basically after two weeks of 5s i continue or even increase the weight and do 3x3 then a set or two at a lighter weight(1-2x12) for two more weeks which makes the total cycle of 7 weeks..... which is okey i guess and then do a 9 days of SD.