My Full HST Routine


New Member
Here is the link to is my entire cycle planned out (jpg):

(new version (v2), August 4)

----EDITED again-----
(new version (v3, August 4))
Version 3

---------EDITED, once again-----------
(new version (v4, August 6))
change: Squats are now alternated with Deadlifts every workout:

-----------------Edited again lol (August 10)-------------------

basically, I've rounded the weights, producing convenient increments.

my volume is:
15's = 1 set
10's = 2 sets
15's = 3 sets
this does not include warm-up sets.

please let me know what u think

It has been advised that squats should be alternated with deadlifts, but I've heard of ppl doing both exercises. I'm going to give it a try, and if I find that it's too much, I will start alternating.

Chin-ups and dips are done in clusters.

The reason for the front squat is because it feels more comfortable for me.
I might add Romanian Deadlifts to work the posterior chain as front squats are quad-dominant.

The assistance exercises at the end are only optional and might only be performed on my 2nd cycle or during the 5's.

Prior to this, I have been doing Madcow's 5x5 for 11 weeks straight. I took one week off to determine my RM's for 15, 10 and 5's.

---------- Madcow 5x5 Training Log--------------
Here is my entire 5x5 Training Log for those who are interested:
Yellow highlights = personal record
Red highlights = missed reps/stall/plateau/etc

I plan to SD for 2 weeks starting tomorrow... or should I only SD for 1 week?
Hi kidkurious. Only had time for a quick look. Noticed a couple of things:

1) I think you are starting each mesocycle with loads that are too light compared to your RM loads. Try starting with around 75% of your RM loads for each mesocycle and increasing 5% each session. So you'll do 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 100% over the six sessions in each mesocycle. Don't worry if you can't get the loads just right. Ball park will do just as long as you are incrementing regularly during the cycle. Some zig-zag between mesocycles is fine too.

2) For the two weeks following the 5s there is no need to drop the loads back again. Keep with the same working loads but if you are getting overly fatigued by then you can always cluster reps. If you are bulking and your cycle has gone well you should find that you can push the loads up a bit during the post 5s weeks.

Deadlifts will probably be fine for you during the whole cycle but if they get tough during the 5s (bearing in mind what I have said above) drop them down to twice a week. Once your deadlift loads are up around the 2 x bw (or above) mark you'll probably only want to do them once a week to keep your lower back at sane levels of DOMS and fatigue. If you drop something on the floor and it's too much of an ordeal to stoop down to pick it up, you'll know it's time to cut back on the deads!

Here's an updated version using the increments you suggested (starting at 75% RM):

My only concern is that even though there is progressive load, the increments are very small (2 lbs). Fortunately, I have access to microPlates. The website suggest 5-10lbs increments.

I'm not really sure what you mean by keeping the same loads for weeks 7-8. Can you explain further?

Thanks for your help again!
Just taking front squats as an example I'd probably do this:

Front Squats:

15s: 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110

10s: 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125 (I reckon you'll get the extra pound!

5s: 125, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170

Post 5s: 170, 170, 170, 170, 170

If you feel too fatigued at the end of the 5s to just carry on with your 5RM loads, you could back the weight off a bit and then build it up again something like this:

Post 5s: 160, 165, 170, 165, 170, 175

Just an observation: for front squats, I noticed that the difference in loads between your 10RM and your 5RM is much greater than I would have expected it to be. I would have thought your 5RM would be around 145/150 based on your 10RM figure. I tend to run out of steam on higher rep sets when I am on lower then maintenance calories. Perhaps that's what's happening in your case too? Hmm, looking at your figures for deads as a comparison, your front squat numbers are almost as high which is also unusual unless you are new to deads and an old hand at front squats.  
 Of course, we are all different so maybe that's the norm for you.

Anyway, hope some of that helps a bit.
thanks again!

here's another updated version (with weeks 7-8 filled in):

regarding the differences in my RM's, I expected my 5RM's to be higher.

Coming off from Madcow's 5x5, my latest PR's (11th week) were:

July 23, 2008 - 5x5 PR's:
front squat:
192.5 lbs

210 lbs

flat bench
126.5 lbs

row (underhand grip)
99 lbs

overhead press
72.5 lbs

Here's my entire 5x5 Log (in case you're curious what loads is started with, etc):
Yellow highlights = personal record
Red highlights = missed reps/stall/plateau/etc

When I tested my 15, 10, and 5 maxes, I did it all in the same workout... but regardless of that, the ratios still seem to be constant in terms of squat and deadlift loads... at least i think so.... correct me if i'm wrong, lol
I guess it is the norm for me... or it could be our differences in height and size.
Me: 5'7", 170 lbs

are the small increments okay? the smallest increment I have is 2 lbs - this is from using 5% increments (of course, lighter weights will have smaller lbs increments when using percentages... but is this still good?
Ah, yes, I should have realised; if you've just been focusing on 5s for a while while doing 5 x 5 you'll find that your metabolic pathways are a little rusty. They'll pick up pretty quickly though so you should improve quite a bit for 15s and 10s next cycle.

Where the increments in loads are very small between sessions (<5lb) it'll make no noticeable difference to your progress over the cycle if you use the same loads for a couple of workouts and then up the load by a more convenient amount.

So instead of: 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60

you could do: 45, 50, 50, 55, 55, 60

It's often easier to do things this way rather than fiddling around with tiny increments.
Hi kidkurious

I also just had tiome for a quick look as I have been busy for a while with some other pursuits.

You couldn't get much better help that for Lol himself, he know his stuff and takes his time to give enough proper info.

So without further adue I am just going to add two things:

1 - I noticed that you use body weight throughout for both dips and chins, these are extremelly good exercises and you should try to load them at least during the 5's, yeah I know trhat during 15's it is rathe extreme some guys do though but that is not what i am suggesting.

2 - I think doing both squats and deads will be a mistake, but you have been forewarned and besides you are aware and ready to change so I am not going to waste your time telling you more!

Happy lifting mate!

considering my previous 5x5 training, is it necessary for me start with the 15's?

I'm sure my tendons are already conditioned from my previous training, so can I go straight to the 10's?

Also, every thursday and friday I work in a warehouse lifting heavy boxes all day. At the end of the day, I can feel the strain from the heavy lifting.

Would this effect my SD? I've been on SD for 8 days now. Should I SD for another week just in case my job effects it?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">considering my previous 5x5 training, is it necessary for me start with the 15's?</div>

As 15's is mainly for conditioning joints and muscles, no, it is up to the practicioner!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Would this effect my SD? I've been on SD for 8 days now. Should I SD for another week just in case my job effects it? </div>

True SD is a state of rest with very little exercise, you may be ok with one week off, else take another week, your call!
thanks again

sorry for all these updates, but here's another version:

basically, I've rounded the weights, producing convenient increments.

Let me know if this is okay, again

In the Rows, I lift 55 lbs for 3 workouts. Is this okay?

Tomorrow will be my first HST workout. I plan to start off with the 15's... I'm looking forward to this