My HST abs workout

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I don't do abs the same day I do my regular HST workout, I do them on "off" days -- I guess that means they aren't really off days, eh?

Anyway, My ab workout is:

Russian Twists
Hanging Leg Raises

I'm treating this like any other HST cycle, with 15's, 10's, etc, and I'm progressively adding weight, etc. I can probably only do negatives with the situps. The rest will be 2 more weeks of 5's.

I feel great after each workout. I'm noticing a difference in my obliques already (first week of 10's)
very good etothepi.... I do just the same thing..... I treat my abs the same as any other muscle but I give a lot of attention dedicating a whole session to them...... my routine is the follosing (40-45 minutes):

1) 3x giantsets for my rectus abdominis, composed of (I can't breath after each set, it is so painful):
-reversed crunches
- elbow-to-knee twist (also for obliques)

2) 3x trisets for my obliques, of
- side bridge
- side reverse crunches
- side crunches

3) 2 supersets of
- Russian twist
- clam

4) 2 sets of jacknife

and as you say, I wind up with my the rectus abdominis and bliques in fire, pumped... and if I lay down on my bed Ijust can't get up, I need to turn around, he he he
.... but I am getting addicted to this routine and look forward to it
wwg, I tell you, I used to hate them, but since I cut my fat and was able to see the 6-packs I have a fixation for abs..... even, now I judge the fitness level based on abs... to me, that is the muscle group that can make you or brake you.

I bought a book dedicated only to abs, anatomy, nutrition (which is the same as what we do anyway); cardio (the same thing) and exercises.

If you want to get serious into abs, just let me know, pehaps I can help you.... one thing is for sure (and I learned it the hard way and saw it also in a newsletter) don't you ever do them first thing in the morning, it will break your back because your back discs are hydrophilic, they absorb water at night, therefore by bending you are (the water actually) imposing up to 3 times as much pressure on them, that is why when tying your shoes first thing in the morning it gets tough to do it.
wwg... he he he
... who is that guy ??.... you
...... I don't believe you....... HS, if that is true all you need is cut and that's it !!!
he he he....... I see now.... yes, I think everybody has his/her own model.... hey, that would be an interesting subject: what is your model you are shooting to ??... he he he
.... to me, it is this pic down here... I did not know who the F*** that guy was until I was in China working and some girls were telling me that I looked like him, as you can see I am latin, so I have the same complexion....... I think I am getting there, but still some work to do on my traps and mid back
Ahh yes, another role model of mine. At least he was. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson... that's the guy that got me into pro wrestling in the first place. He's always had a great physique.
so you do wrestling.... hey, that is least in the USA it is a kind of cool, isn't it ??...... how about the blows ??... some of them are for real ??
Yeah pro wrestling is actually surprisingly big in alot of other countries too.. Australia, alot of Europe, Japan, Mexico, alot of Africa, and obviously the US. I'm going to a wrestling school in a little over a year which is the main reason for all the training I do right now in the gym too. In wrestling you get banged up. People don't realize it 'cause it's predetermined, but you get very banged up. As far as the 'blows' are concerned though, I assume you mean punches and stuff like that. I can tell you that those are fake as can be. If those guys really punched eachother, matches would only last a few seconds lol, and that's not good for entertainment.
so, there is even a school for that.... I thought they just went to the arena and start practicing the fake movements.... but I remember sometimes it got out of hand and the guys really bangged each other with fury, hitting with aluminum chairs..... he he he, I hope you can make enough money.... and who determines who will have a good record and a bad record ??..... I imagine the "sellable" guys will be the good ones.... the rockers, the pretty guys, the cool guys, etc.

Seeing that you like abs, I once posted the australian ab routine here.

You'll find it if you do a search.
Thxs Fausto, actually I have it, the whole theory and exercises.... I had forgotten I have it somewhere, I'll take a second look... I remember when I ran into it (like 6 months ago) I thought it was just too complicated, difficult to memorize, he he he, but that was before knowing about HST (and now I need a lot of writing to track my stuff !!)..... I'll take a second look, perhaps I'll follow that in my next cycle
latin: Do you really see the benefit from doing so much direct ab work? It certainly sounds as if you like the pain!
I would have thought that if you treated your abs and obliques like any other muscle group you would be done in 10 mins tops? Are you using extra resistance during your ab work?

I'm not knocking what you do just wondering if I should do a little more?
Sincerely I see the benefit of doing this bunch of things, my only concern is that I don't know if in the long run it is not beneficial for my abs or lower back.... before I used to do my abs with a machine and also I found it good.... but I feel better with these exercises, which I do with weight also, across my chest or behind my neck (in crunchs) on in my hands (in russian twist) or between my legs (in reverse crunch) ....... each 1-2 weeks I increase the weight, the same as with HST ... you know me well, he he, yes, I am a masoquist
, I love this pain.
.. and not only this one, all of the pain, he he he.
.. but no one tops this abs pain and the one given by my special squat, which is going down slowly in 2-3 seconds and wait in my full (did I say full ??.... I meant super full, like a chinese) squat position for 2-3 seconds before coming up again fast.... he he, it is a killer.... usually it takes me 2 days with pain in my quads, hamstrings and whole gluteus... and this is without going to failure !!!!!
I found the australian abs stuff, thanks God because the one you posted is gone... I read it and it looks more appropriate for a torture chamber at an outcasted scum prison in Devils island in the amazon instead of this decent website
.... what I mean is .... HS, IT LOOKS GREAT !!!!..... I'll design a program for that.... get ready abs !!!... there will be no mercy this time !!
ha ha ha