My HST Cycle ! Advise Needed Thxs


New Member
Hello everyone, am 24 years old - 5 ft 8 inch and 165 lb with about 15 % bf - average size muscle finnaly showing
This is my 1st post on this forum as I cant wait to start my 1st HST Cycle :D

Currently on my 2nd day of SD - it sucks I know :mad:

Ive put much effort into this HST cycle so would be grateful for any advice etc as to amount of sets on different exercise etc

Ive been lifting for about 2.5 months now and ive gained alot of strength since I started with a small amount of mass i reckon.

Reason why ive chosen so many exercise is because I recover really fast now from training due to my high intake of protien and PHD V-Pump Pre-workout shake.

Since I started training properly 2 months ago ive stopped all junk foods ( burgers - pizza's etc ) and ive never felt better in my life ;) already lost a good amount of belly mass lol

This is my routine which I will do after my SD is over: 15 RM / 10 RM / 5 RM all tested and am happy with :)

Decline Bench Press

Slight Incline Dumbell Press

Clean & Push Press

Shoulder Press

Barbell Shrugs / Reverse Shrugs

E-Z Bar Bicep Curls Med & Close Grip

Reverse Grip Bent Over Row

Close Grip Triceps Bench Press


Calf Leg Machine Press

E-Z Bar Decline Crunches


I am dedicated person and will make sure I reach every single goal in this HST cycle .

Now for the advise would u recommend me sticking to

1st week 15's x 2 sets - 2nd week 15's x 2 sets
1st week 10's x 3 sets - 2nd week 10's x 3 sets
1st week 5's x 2 sets - 2nd week 5's x 2 sets

or would you recommend something else ?

also are increments of 2.5 kg for most of the lifts ok or do they need to be higher ?
bump - forum seems dead lately :( is there a new place people are talking about hst etc or has hst died over the years?
Hi Xorn
Seem you only posted this yesterday?
Anyway, regarding your set choises I would think, that if you were able to do 10x3, you'd be able to do 5x3 as well. Maybe even 5x4.
But this being your first cycle, i think something like 15x1, 10x2, 5x3 is more realistic, considering the amount of exercises. Then, if needed, adjust sets for your next cycle based on experiences from the first.

A least, this is what i did, and was happy with. I think experience/strength is a major factor though.
I think the (very) inexperienced bodybuilder might get away with more reps per session as the lower level of neural adaptations, hinders neural fatigue to some extent.. Regardless, I'd go with 1/2/3 sets. Better to add, than to cut back.

Consider using more sets for major exersises, and less for auxiliary exersises.
When including both Squat and Deadlift, consider cutting a set from each or alternate them every other session.

For increments, I would go for a percentage of max RM, rather than a fixed amount.
I use 5% rounded to smallest available plates.

On another note:
As far as I know a high protein intake will not let you recover faster. Not much, at least. Sufficient callories as a whole, is required for building muscle, but it is mainly neural fatigue you need to recover from.
thank you Lat for the advise, yeah your right am going to keep the 1st cycle as simple as possibole by doing 15 x 1 - 10 x 2 - 5 x 3 - then for the next cycle i can add in more sets where i feel they need to be added :)

yeah for squats and deadlift i will change them around sets wise but still do them together as i feel deadlift is more of a back workout and squats more of a leg workout :p

what i will do is
monday squats 2 sets and deadlift 1 set -
wednesday squats 1 set and deadlift 2 sets etc etc-

Im on my 3rd day of SD and today was suppose to be my gym day ---- i got so much energy to use but have to keep it under control hehe :0

thxs for the advice again Lat - hope to finnaly put on some decent size with this HST workout :)
I know SD can be kind of hard, once you've gotten addicted. You'll just have to tell yourself that, the less you do now, the more you'll gain later. ;-)

For Squat/Deadlift I don't think it realy matters if you do them every or every other session. But if you're OK with setting up for a single set of Squat/Deads every session, i'm sure it wouldn't hurt.

I think you've made the right choise in keeping it simple, from the get-go. It makes it a lot easier, to do adjustments later on. Get the rest right and the size will come.