My HST excel plan


New Member
Hello Everybody,

I finished my first week of my first HST ever.

I decided to do 2x15 2x10 and 3x5, following several advise from people in the forum. I've attached my excel sheet for HST Planning and really should like to have your feedback on it.
However, a few introductory notes:
- I don't do legs and exercises that hit legs hard, because I play soccer in Portuguese Veterans Championship;
- I started bodybuilding only September last year (don't make jokes about my weights...)

First section - Exercises:
Here I made a score of muscles hits per exercises, considering my goals which are to prioritize chest, shoulders and arms for this first cycle. I score a 2 for the main muscle hit with the exercise and a 1 to the other muscles which are also hit.
- Please comment my exercise selections and scores.

Second section - Time:
Here I calculate the time necessary for warm-ups, stretching, exercise itself and rest. I target less than 60 minutes, so I'll need to split when the 5's comes in.
- Please advise the best split for my current exercise selection. I'm doing M/W/F, but in the 5's I'll work 5 days in a row and stop Saturday and Sunday.

Third section - Weights:
Here I calculate the weights progression based on the MAX's for each microcycle. I tried to start with 50% of 5RM and around 75% of each microcyle MAXs. The 5's are not quite respecting these figures but that's because I'm guessing them, I didn't test my 5's Max.

Fourth section - Volume:
I saw so many different opinions about the volume in this forum. I decided to do this way:
- I took as my base volume the 10x2 Max (4.980 Total for workout A and 5.400 Total for workout B);
- After that, I calculated the volume for each exercise and workout, as you can see in the sheet (Vol);
- Then I calculated the additional necessary reps I must add (or reduce) with that weight to achieve my intended volume (Reps +/-);
- Example: In the first workout of the 15's, first exercise (DB Bench press), I needed to add 5 reps more to achieve my target volume of 560 for that exercise. So I did 2 sets, one of 18 and other of 17.

This way I will keep my volume constant all over the cycle.
- Please comment

Fifth section - Train
That's the sheet I take with me to the workout, showing the weights and the reps to add or reduce in order to respect the volume all over the cycle.
What I'm feeling during the 15's is that sometimes I cannot finish the second set (at least with 45 secs of rest). In these cases, I rest 30 seconds and do whatever reps are missing to avoid failure as you all instruct to (clustering I guess).

For those you would like to play with sheet, whenever you see figures in black color you can change it. Other colors are formulas.

What a crazy work !

I'm using some spreadsheet to organize also my workouts, and I'm very impressed about the work you've done here...

I'll directly use it to improve mine. Very interesting as your main key values seems to fit HST principles (clustering, volume, increasing wheight etc...)

exxellent, thank you again for sharing this !
You're welcome.

However please note that I'm not an expert in HST, I'm just starting it and enjoying a lot by the way.

I made this available in order to receive critics from experts (although none yet...) and put it available for anybody who wants to play with it, mainly as an apreciation to a lot of kind people in this forum that always answers to our newbie doubts.

Have fun!