My HST Workout(Beginner)


New Member
Here are my exercises. I am focusing on compound lifts.

Bent Barbell Row
Bench Press/Incline Dumbell Press
Tricep Extension
Shoulder Press
Concentration Curl
Calf Raise

Couple concerns before I start this program, mainly nutritional concerns. I bring them up here because the nutrition section does not have a lot of visitors. I am 5'4, 118 pounds and between 9-11% bodyfat.
I wrestle for 30 minutes 4 times a week and will be working out 3 times a week. I want to bulk and as much as I would like to focus on just getting big, my coach wants me to wrestle. I have calculated my caloric requirements and to bulk i would be needing 2,800 calories. Is that too much?
Also, does anyonelse have any picture results from this program. A lot of people seemed to have deleted their pictures.
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drop the tricep-ext and curls and add chins,also 2800 cals is ok,if you put on to much fat drop the cals,if you dont put on enough weight add more cals.