My introduction to HST - Questions


New Member
Hi guys! I've been reading a lot on HST lately and decided to try it!

I lost 65lbs (195 to 130) in a two years time span through a cardio, workout and dieting. I'm now sitting at 12.5% bodyfat and I decided my next step was to gain some clean muscle mass in order to help cutting through the rest of my BF until I reach 8-9%. I will also mention that I've been following Lyle McDonald's Ketogenic diet for two weeks now and I am having really good results so far.

I read that HST is one of the best program to quickly and efficiently build some good muscle mass. I'll give it a try!

Now, I do have some questions. I'll ask them all here but I might break this thread in several sub-threads to avoid confusion.

1. Is strategic deconditioning needed before your first attempt at HST? I know it is between cycles but what about before starting?

2. If you are familiar with Lyle's keto diet, he suggests doing a carb-refeed every week after a depletion workout. Now, how should I adapt this to HST? Considering every HST workout is a full-body, I guess I could count it as a depletion workout?

3. Regarding RMs, I gathered two different RMs for each exercises. Is it ok if I estimate my 5RM, 10RM and 15RM with those numbers? Also, do you think I am lacking strength? If so, will it have a negative impact on the muscle gain? Here's a sample of my data:

15RM: 135lbs
6RM: 155lbs

Incline Bench:
12RM: 95lbs
6RM: 115lbs

Shoulder Press:
15RM: 30lbs
10RM: 25lbs

4. Following the previous question, what happens if I underestimated/overestimated my RMs?

5. What happens if my Dumbbell Curl's 10RM is 30lbs but I couldn't do 5 reps with 35lbs for my 5RM?

6. How do we deal with progressing loading when working with small weights exercices? For exemple, my Lateral Raise's 10RM is 15lbs + 11/4lbs' magnet weight.

7. Last question. Can I go into negatives on chins? For exemple, my chins' 5RM is BW and my 12RM was BW 20lbs. Am I doing it right?

Finally, here's a picture of my current shape so you have an idea:

Thank you so much for reading me and even more if you take the time to help me!