My introduction to HST - Questions


New Member
Hi guys! I've been reading a lot on HST lately and decided to try it!

I lost 65lbs (195 to 130) in a two years time span through a cardio, workout and dieting. I'm now sitting at 12.5% bodyfat and I decided my next step was to gain some clean muscle mass in order to help cutting through the rest of my BF until I reach 8-9%. I will also mention that I've been following Lyle McDonald's Ketogenic diet for two weeks now and I am having really good results so far.

I read that HST is one of the best program to quickly and efficiently build some good muscle mass. I'll give it a try!

Now, I do have some questions. I'll ask them all here but I might break this thread in several sub-threads to avoid confusion.

1. Is strategic deconditioning needed before your first attempt at HST? I know it is between cycles but what about before starting?

2. If you are familiar with Lyle's keto diet, he suggests doing a carb-refeed every week after a depletion workout. Now, how should I adapt this to HST? Considering every HST workout is a full-body, I guess I could count it as a depletion workout?

3. Regarding RMs, I gathered two different RMs for each exercises. Is it ok if I estimate my 5RM, 10RM and 15RM with those numbers? Also, do you think I am lacking strength? If so, will it have a negative impact on the muscle gain? Here's a sample of my data:

15RM: 135lbs
6RM: 155lbs

Incline Bench:
12RM: 95lbs
6RM: 115lbs

Shoulder Press:
15RM: 30lbs
10RM: 25lbs

4. Following the previous question, what happens if I underestimated/overestimated my RMs?

5. What happens if my Dumbbell Curl's 10RM is 30lbs but I couldn't do 5 reps with 35lbs for my 5RM?

6. How do we deal with progressing loading when working with small weights exercices? For exemple, my Lateral Raise's 10RM is 15lbs + 11/4lbs' magnet weight.

7. Last question. Can I go into negatives on chins? For exemple, my chins' 5RM is BW and my 12RM was BW 20lbs. Am I doing it right?

Thank you so much for reading me and even more if you take the time to help me!
Hi Nyanja,

1. simple answer is yes, however it depends on what weight you are lifting currently and how long you have been lifting for without a break.

2. I am not familiar with the details of the diet however if you are trying to put on lean muscle I don't think being on a ketogenic diet or any diet for that matter is ideal, however I have never tried a ketogenic diet.

3. Yes it is ok to estimate RM's based on other RM's using a calculator( has quite a good one)

As for strength, it is relative, if the weight is heavy for you it will produce adequate stimulus.

4. if you overestimate your RM's you won't be able to complete the required number of reps.

If you underestimate your RM's then you won't be working as hard as you could.

but don't worry too much the calculators will probably be pretty close to your actual RM

5. perhaps you were fatigued?

6. you can repeat weights

7.Yes you can do negatives for chins just use one arm, or add some weight to yourself, I take it you meant 12RM was body weight minus 20lb?
Hi HST123, thanks for your answer. Very much appreciated!

1. I am currently on my deconditioning. Let's be on the safe side.

2. Well, I will be 15-20% over my maintenance calories. The only thing I am worried is to lack carb for muscle rebuilding.

3. Alright, thanks

4. Ok. Could I slightly modify weights on my first 100% RM week?

5. No, it was a supposition. But you answered my question with question 6. Haha.

6. Ok. Could I do something similar to this? :

10lb: 8rep
10lb: 10rep
12.5lb :8rep
12.5lb: 10rep
15lb: 8rep
15lb: 10rep(or max effort)

7. Chins with one arm? Doesn't that become a bicep exercise then? Yes, I meant my 12RM was BW minus 20lbs (with 20lbs on assisted machine)
2. I think what I should of said before is you need to have a clear goal in mind, if you are trying the lose body fat than perhaps staying on your ketogenic diet is best, however if you are going the try to put some lean mass on you would probably do better on a balanced diet with a normal level of carbs, but I guess you can see how your body responds on the ketogenic diet and adjust it if neccessary.

4. Do you mean adjust the weights as you go if you feel it isn't the right weight? if so, yes you can do that as long as you are progressively increasing the weight, just don't get too carried away and increase the weight by too much based on the first couple of workouts of each rep range as they will probably seem too light.

6. you would probably be better off performing the same number of reps with the same weight.

7. I group all chin-up types together e.g. close grip, wide grip etc. so not exactly sure what version you are referring too. they all work the back muscles though, I find close grip work the biceps more than other types of chins which is what you may be suggesting?

If you are going to do negatives on chins then you will probably only be able to do close grip as wide grip is not very practical I don't think.