My Max-Stim Routine


New Member
Here's what I plan to do post 5's (starting tomorrow):

Is this good?


Max-Stim (15-20)

1 set per exercise:

Front Squat
15 reps

Romanian Deadlift
15 reps

Incline Bench Press (30 degrees)
10 reps

10 reps

10 reps

10 reps

BB Row
15 reps

Normal rep style (not max-stim), cluster if needed:
BB Shrug
15 reps

Rear delt raise
15 reps

15 reps

15 reps

20 reps

I plan to increase the weight by 5.5lbs each workout for each exercise for 2-4 weeks. Then I will proceed to SD for 2 weeks.
Looks pretty good to me.

It's just a personal thing, but I don't think I'd bother with Max-stim for shrugs (although you could do a shrug at the top of each RDL if your RDL load was heavy enough). I'd switch to power shrugs which would allow me to keep incrementing the loads and to benefit from a powerful stretch reflex.

I'd rather do a press of some kind (a machine press works really well for M-S). Just realise that you won't benefit from a stretch reflex between presses, unless you can start each rep at the top position, so you might find an M-S set of this harder than you anticipate. Same thing would be true for pull-ups, and rows.

What's your loading plan?

i was thinking about just clustering my sets for just the isolations like shrugs, curls, kickback, and raises.
I plan to increase the weight by 5.5lbs each workout for each exercise for 2-4 weeks. Then I will proceed to SD for 2 weeks.
Also, I was wondering if was okay to do only 10 reps for certain exercises.

The way I see it, max-stim requires 15-20 reps per muscle group, so if I do 10 sets of dips and 10 sets of incline bench, that would be 20 reps for my chest, delts, and tris.

Is my logic correct here?

I'm also doing 10 reps of pull-ups, 10 reps of chins, and 10 reps of rows, which is 30 reps, but I seem to be able to do it within an hour... if load get's too heavy, I will alternate pulls and chins between workouts.

Thanks again!
(kidkurious @ Jan. 05 2009,4:53)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">max-stim requires 15-20 reps per muscle group,</div>
Well I don't require anything in Max Stim, it's just a suggestion. I think you'll do fine with the number of reps and crossover from the varying exercises.