My new a/b split w/clustering

Bay Area Hoss

New Member
I had a hard time coming up with my new routine. Squats are mandatory, but I really wanted to do deadlifts.

In the past I've done the newb method, but probably in a wrong way. 3 rep schemes, the 15/10/5, 2 weeks each, then I'd start with 3 sets for the first 2 workouts, then do 2 sets, then 1 set on the last 2 workouts per rep scheme.

Now I'm going to cluster after discovering the method recently.

My workout is like this. Numbers are the total reps I will do.

Workout A:
Squat - 20
Dips - 20
Rows - 15
Standing Calf - 25
Incline DB - 15

Workout B:
Deadlift - 20
Close Grip - 15
Chinups - 20
Seated Calf - 25
Standing Military Press - 15

So let me get this right, I simply start of light maybe 60% of my max and get a few reps from failure, rest, and keep going until I get my goal reps?

It's for my entire cycle. I thought about doing more or less exercises as the routine went on, but I don't know my body that well yet on how much volume it can handle, since I usually dropped volume as the weight got heavy, and I wasn't very consistent on my rest days between workouts, taking too many days off on average........

Any suggestions?

I have never done front squats but wish I could use them, also leg curls would help, as they hit the other part that deadlifts don't.
Okay. Now before we get to your proposed new schedule, you said:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">In the past I've done the newb method, but probably in a wrong way.  3 rep schemes, the 15/10/5, 2 weeks each, then I'd start with 3 sets for the first 2 workouts, then do 2 sets, then 1 set on the last 2 workouts per rep scheme.</div>
I'm just not getting it yet: seems vague to me. The popular scheme here is one or two sets of 15's (depending on your endurance), 2 sets for 10's, and 3 sets for 5's. This keeps your rep range fairly constant, from 20 to 30. Total load x reps = work, and that also is close as a rule, but the load of course is increasing, causing hypertrophy.  
So if you want a suggestion, that is it. Try multiplying your load x reps and totalling up your workouts. I like to check once in a while and see how many tons I've moved. I consider a good workout for me to be around 25-30 tons total, depending on what I'm going for. Whatever, it's a measurement to compare to LAST year overall. For your purposes, it can compare your mesocycles to each other, you see? If you go from, say 15 tons in the 15's to 20 in the tens, it may be too much of a jump. Or reversed, you are going backwards in total work, and work is key within the guidelines of a rep scheme.
As for your scattering of reps for your suggested workout, I don't see what your reasoning is for those particular rep schemes. If I wanted to do differing reps for different exersizes, I would do less reps for iso's and more for compounds. (except calves, which most people say respond best to higher reps)
IMO, if your deads aren't hitting your hams, you're not doing them correctly. Stick that butt out, buddy!
You might want to see this long video:
Sorry for being vague.

I didn't list my rep schemes, I posted the total reps I want to do per workout per exercise. I am going to cluster.

In the past, I would test my 15, 10, and 5 rep max and do about 12 exercises every workout, 3x/week. I'd do 6 workouts per rep scheme, adding weight everyworkout. But Yea, I was going backwards with volume every workout until the last day of each rep scheme, where I was doing just 1 set, but failing on that 6th workout. I never learned about clustering until recently.

So basically I'd do 3 sets of 15, then 2 sets of 15, then 1 set of 15.....that lasts 2 weeks....

Then 3 sets of 10s, 2 sets, then 1 set....2 weeks...

And so on. I was dropping volume. I don't want that

That volume &quot;jiggle&quot; is for advanced lifters someting called dual factor.

You should rather engage with normal HST first as indicated by Quad.

1 - 2 x 15/ 2 x 10 / 3 - 4 x 5 or simply 1 x 15/1.5 x 10/3 x 5, a very constant cycle.
I cluster as well, but I use the same total rep number for all of my exercises in a given &quot;mini cycle&quot;. For instance, instead of doing the vanilla 15, 10, 5 rep two-week mini cycles, I am going to do 30, 25, and 20 cluster rep ones. I would highly encourage upping some of your rep totals, at least for the first several workouts as your load will be light. 15 reps of back for an entire workout with only 60% is not enough IMHO.

Just my two cents, I'm experimenting myself with a lot of these concepts.