My new routine!


New Member
Squats 2x5@110kg
Bench press 8x3@50kg (speed work)
Press 2x10
Lat raises 2x10
Bent over rows 2x10
Pull ups 2x12-15
BB curls 2x10
Tricep extensions 2x10
Ab work

Front squats 1x5@90kg
Inclined DB bench press 2x10@24kg
DB Press 2x10
Lat raises 2x10
Power cleans 5x2
Chin ups 2x12-15
DB curls 2x10
Tricep extensions 2x10
Ab work

Squats 2x5@110kg
Bench press 2x5@95kg
Press 2x10
Lat raises 2x10
Bent over rows 2x10
Pull ups 2x12-15
BB curls 2x10
Tricep extensions 2x10
Ab work

Maintain (not increase) leg current leg strength and size.
Maintain chest size, but gain a little more strength and power.
More hypertrophy for shoulder, back and arms.

The above is the planned program for the first 2 weeks. Reps lowered and weights increased ala HST style afterwards (except legs and chest).

For those who are interested, I've been on a linear progression program for about 12 months (Starting Strength type program).
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">GOALS:
Maintain (not increase) leg current leg strength and size.
Maintain chest size, but gain a little more strength and power.
More hypertrophy for shoulder, back and arms.</div>

The tricky thing will be to work on chest for strength and power while trying to maximise hypertrophy of shoulders. If you do heavy bench from the start you will be working your front delts hard which will mess with the progression for presses.

I would do something like this (but I might simplify it further):

Mon &amp; Fri:
Squats: 1 x 10 (or 2 x 5) with around 10RM load - Non-HST (stick to same load throughout cycle or make only moderate increase).
Press: Normal HST cycle
Bent over rows: Normal HST cycle
DB flyes: Start at 10s. Do fast concentrics, lower under control.
Lat raises: Normal HST cycle
DB incline curls: Normal HST cycle (alternate with tri extensions)
Ab work

Deads: Normal HST cycle
DB Press: Normal HST cycle
Chins: Normal HST cycle
DB flyes (incline): Start at 10s. Do fast concentrics, lower under control.
Power Cleans: Normal HST progression but cluster reps (Eg. start with 5 x 3 and progress to 5 x 1)
Triceps Extensions:  Normal HST cycle (alternate with bi curls)
Ab work opinion?

Go simplify and...whatever happened to Deadlifts?
If you have triceps, a kickback could help cut in the horseshoe and shape things a bit. Looking at your bench, uh...I think it could be a bit EARLY there dude!

No offense, but save shaping stuff and iso's for your advanced stages and you'll grow more in the meantime doing heavier work with routines that won't wear you out before they end.
We've made a shift in thinking from no iso's to adding some bicep work if needed, as Lol set you up with in his example, since they often can use a little help. Triceps just grow, period.
IMO, and many others here.