My next cycle


New Member
Hi everyone.

I'm measuring maxes this week for my next cycle, but I got the impression this morning that something's missing. Something chest-y. Here's what I've got:

Barbell row
Mil press
DB bicep curl
DB slight-incline bench press
Pullover (Skullcrusher-type thing, but further back)
Chin (underhand, narrow grip)

I'm looking to replace... something... with something else targeting the general chestal region.

Any suggestions?

Oh, I'm finally getting around to the gradual-progession programme I've been thinking of for a while. Going to start of at 70% of 15rm, gradually working up to 5rm around mid-week 6, then keep increasing the weight at the same incrememnts until the end of week 8. Reps-per-set will gradually decrease, but I'll keep the total reps constant. Will tell you how it works out.
Nothings missing. I would even take out the arm work.
If you've already done a complete 15-10-5 HST cycle, I don't understand why you're figuring out your maxes again?  If you were able to reach your target reps during the 6th (final) workout of each 2-week rep scheme, then just add a small amount of weight for the next cycle.

Example: your 10 RM for a particular exercise is 200 lbs, which you gradually worked towards during the 2 week cycle of 10 reps.  If you were able to complete 10 reps in good form during the last (6th) workout, then when you get to that exercise again in your next HST cycle just up it to 205 or 210 lbs.

That's why it's a good idea to make extra notes in your workout log.  By the time I get finished with the 5's I don't remember specific details about what I did during the 15's or 10's, but the notes I made in my workout log after the final workout of each rep scheme help to remind me.  Things like "a little light, add 10 lbs during next cycle" and "form fell apart on last rep or two, stick with this weight next time around."
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Why?</div>
Why do I feel something's missing? Umm, it just didn't feel like there was much directly hitting that area.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Nothings missing. I would even take out the arm work.</div>
I'm specifically concentrating on that this round, though. I haven't done much arm work for a while. Think I'm due some growth there.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yeah, you got your chest covered alright!</div>
Cool, I'll take your word for it.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If you've already done a complete 15-10-5 HST cycle, I don't understand why you're figuring out your maxes again?</div>
I've been cutting for a while, and haven't done 15s since last year. Also, I'm changing a couple of exercises, shifting things around, etc. For the last few cycles, instead of standard 2rm negs, I've been increasing the 5rm weight a bit each day, so I have a pretty good idea of what my current 5rm maxes are, but I quite enjoy spending some time double checking. It can't hurt, I suppose.

Thanks for your responses!
