My next HST cycle.

Ok, so I have taken about a month off from training and it is time to get back in the iron game.
My next program will follow everything in Bryan's HST except the two areas which I regard as less important: SD and undulating progression.
The areas I do 100% agree with are:

1)Full body workouts three days/week. (chronic overload)

2)Using mainly basic, compound free-weight exercises. (maximum stimuli for hypertrophy)

3)Progressive mechanical loading of the muscle tissue. (a must in any program)

So here it goes, tell me what you think guys:

Workout frequency Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Full-body workouts alternating between two groups of basic compound free-weight movements.

<u>Workout &quot;A&quot;:
Weighted Neutral-grip chinups
Bench press
Barbell Rows
DB Upright rows

Workout &quot;B&quot;:
Wide-grip pulldowns/pull-ups
Weighted Dips
DB Rows
Military Press

Each exercise I will simply perform 3 sets of 6 reps starting at around 75% of my previous maxes and progressing each workout until I am working just shy of failure and progressing load whenever possible. (from past experience, 3x6 is very effective for my body-type, especially in strength increases).

It will work out to 15 sets/workout, 90 rep/per workout fullbody. And 45 total sets/week, 270 total reps/week.

Now I just need to commit to it and start tomorrow.
Hey Sci,

Looks good to me except that you may find that doing deads more than once a week is too much lower back work, especially as you are doing some kind of rowing each session. You may find it's OK but I know I can't do it now. In fact, I can only do heavy deads (5RM or above) once a fortnight or my daily life starts to suffer! I have also been doing front squats to compliment my back squats and am really benefiting from them. They allow me to hit my legs hard while giving my lower back a bit of a breather from heavy deads and back squats plus they tend to be a little kinder on my CNS as the loads are a bit lighter.

Hope you are going to keep a log.

Have a good cycle,

Looks Good Sci,

You know what you are doing!!!

Welcome back and well if SD is somewhat should start making gains all over again!
Eeeiy, this is very similar to the cycle I started last night, although I'm going for:
3x 8-12 reps (adding reps whenever/dropping reps &amp; upping weights when I can get 12 easy)
A-B split EOD for the next 36 days.

HST just aint &quot;doing it&quot; for me at the mo...  

I need to feel the pain.

Edit: Straight sets/IF diet (at maintenance cals) +30mins minimum exercise bike
I like it but your soft connective tissue may give you some trouble in future years if you don't start getting in some higher reps one of these days. What stimulates hypertrophy isn't always good for the rest of your body, at least longer term.

Currently, I do 32 sets per week over 4 days hitting each bodypart twice; once with 12 reps and once with 8 reps. This low frequency/volume scheme is scheduled to go for 14 weeks. 60 sets per week is the highest I ever go and that is when I am hitting frequency of 12 times per week; 5 sets AM and 5 sets PM, six days per week, 3 week cycles. 45 is a good compromise and you shouldn't need SD for at least 12 weeks considering your age.
(Old and Grey @ Oct. 15 2007,10:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I like it but your soft connective tissue may give you some trouble in future years if you don't start getting in some higher reps one of these days. What stimulates hypertrophy isn't always good for the rest of your body, at least longer term.

Currently, I do 32 sets per week over 4 days hitting each bodypart twice; once with 12 reps and once with 8 reps.  This low frequency/volume scheme is scheduled to go for 14 weeks. 60 sets per week is the highest I ever go and that is when I am hitting frequency of 12 times per week; 5 sets AM and 5 sets PM, six days per week, 3 week cycles. 45 is a good compromise and you shouldn't need SD for at least 12 weeks considering your age.    
Good point, if 'overtraining' strain/pain to my joints comes in from the higher intensity, I may drop down to 8-12 reps as the dark master is doing.

I just get amazing gains from the 5-8 rep range intensity, and want to start with that for now.

A great cycle no doubt, I do share quite a bit of O &amp; G's opinion, but then again I am over the four O, so it makes sense to do some high rep work.

If I were you I'd at least put in a week or so of high rep work just to &quot;oil&quot; things up.

The strength phase of the cycle will no doubt be awsome.!
(_Simon_ @ Oct. 16 2007,00:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">heyhey again sci! why is it that you don't believe in undulating progression if i may so ask?</div>
Its not that I don't believe it works, it does. But afaik there is no scientific evidence pointing to any particular progression scheme being superior to any other. So I don't bother with undulating progression and I just start light and increase all throughout the cycle...good ole' linear progression, then at the end of the cycle when I am peaking/burning out, I reset the weights and start over.

Its a matter of each his own with the little details.
(Fausto @ Oct. 16 2007,09:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Sci

A great cycle no doubt, I do share quite a bit of O &amp; G's opinion, but then again I am over the four O, so it makes sense to do some high rep work.

If I were you I'd at least put in a week or so of high rep work just to &quot;oil&quot; things up.

The strength phase of the cycle will no doubt be awsome.!
Good to see the old regulars like yourself fausto!

I am used to max-stim (one rep) so 6 reps at a time is plenty for me for right now!

Since the loads are lighter I am using very little time between sets at the beginning of the cycle. Very similar to doing 10s or 15s.