my only concern with hst


New Member
I really like the idea of hst and I am thinking of switching to it since my linear strength gains seem to have disappeared, but I do have a concern with it. Whenever I do lifts like rows and chinups on the same day, the second lift I do that day suffers. Admittedly, this is with a 3 set per lift scheme and I don't know for sure if the same thing would happen if I did only 1 set.

what is the proper way to deal with this?
Chins and rows work a lot of the same muscles so you could do them on different days however, if you are going to cut back to one set for each of the exercises then you could do both in the same workout if you really want to
Chins and rows work a lot of the same muscles so you could do them on different days however, if you are going to cut back to one set for each of the exercises then you could do both in the same workout if you really want to

if I did them on different days, how would that fit in to hst?
You can have alternating workouts one with chins and one with rows, then just increment up to your repetition max as if you were doing one exercise:

e.g. 75% of RM for Rows, 80% of RM for chins, 85% Rows, 90% Chins, 95% Rows, 100% Chins

or you could just do 3 increments for each exercise

e.g 80% Rows, 80% Chins, 90% Rows, 90% Chins, 100% Rows, 100% Chins

although going to your RM twice in a row might be too much.