My Program


New Member
I've just finished my 2 weeks of 10 reps and just about to start my 5 reps cycle, I did 2 sets of the 10's and will ove onto 3 sets of the 5's.
Please crit my routine and see what you think! The only really hard one I found was the Skullcrushers where I managed to get 9 reps at 57 kilos.

I am 6ft and 92 Kg

Exercise 15rep max 10 rep max 5 rep max

Bench Press 80kg 95kg 111Kg
Squat 100 120 140
Upright Row 55 65 76
Deadlift 105 142.5 167
Military Press 50 60 70
Bent Forward Row 57.5 70 82.5
Shrug 112.5 137.5 161
EZ Curl 54 63 72
Skullcrushers 49 57 65
Calf Raise 97 115 134
Pull Ups 3 sets of 8 3 sets of 10 3 sets of 8 (10kg added)
Looks good to me. If all is going well, you should be feeling the effects of your training pretty strongly about now. The ten's are when I usually get the most growth.