My Routine and Extending the 10s?


New Member

I'm thinking to extend the 10s for 1 or 2 more sessions. What do you think?
What about possible just doing 1 set of 10s during the extension?
What do you think of my routine below?
Should I cut some stuff out on the 5s?

I've done HST before, but most recent years have been focusing on 3x5s. I got a bit lazy the last couple of years and got very high in body fat e.g. about 29% at 235 at 6' 1". I went on a cut from August 1 till about Christmas. During that time, I did every 3 days 3x5 squats, deadlift, bench, Overhead press, rows, chins. My waist did shrink (5 inches) and I got down to about 195 at about 18% body fat. However, I felt too weak and did lose some muscle. My shoulders especially and traps looked small. So early January after an SD. I put together this routine.

Rep counts and sets
2x15, 2x10, 3x5. I guessed a bit on maxes since I was weaker and decided to progressively add to the bar. I strangely enough loved the 15s. I guess I was bored after doing many 3x5s for a while

I ended up doing more exercises than planned. I initially setup required, nice to have, and if time. But so Far I have kept to 1 hour so I have done them all. I try to do them in this order
  1. Squats
  2. Flat Bench
  3. Bent Row
  4. Stiff legged dead lift
  5. Arnold db press
  6. Db shrugs
  7. Side bends
  8. Preacher Curls
  9. Triceps extensions
  10. Reverse Wrist curls
  11. Wrist Curls
  12. Wide grip pull downs
  13. Decline situps (just do 2 sets of 20)

On my 6th workout of the 10s, I was still able to do all but bench 2 sets of 10 with no failure.

I currently do a Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday routine. I typically play soccer on Fridays so no other cardio. So the 1 extra day gives me some time to recover until Sunday. I eat about 500 calories over maintenance.
Too many exercises and some poor choices IMO.

I would get rid of both ab exercises unless you want to increase the size of your waistline or you have inherently weak abs.

Wrist curls are a waste of time and energy. Using enough weight on compound exercises will give your forearms and wrists all that is required to grow.

I would replace tricep extensions with dips...more compound.

I prefer neutral grip chin ups to lat pull downs but lat pull downs would be a fine alternative if you cannot do neutrals.

You might consider alternating squats or SLDL with regular deadlifts every other workout.

That will leave you with 9 basic core exercises. More manageable.

You can extend the 10's a couple of workouts if you want. It won't kill you but personally I see the most benefit by extending the 5's.
I have to agree with everything O&G said. Don't do sidebends, those are useless. Wrist curls do nothing except maybe give you carpal tunnel or something like that in the future.

I also have to echo the sentiment that you should consider extending the 5s rather than the 10s.
Thanks for the feedback.

Well I extended the 10s, I still made good linear progress on the big lifts. I'm starting the 5s on Sunday. For 5's I plan to throw out the side bends, wrist curls, reverse wrist curls.

A note about side bends and wrist curls. I had done them in the past and found them helpful at softball hitting power. I hadn't done either in a long time.

I would like to replace tricep extensions on the 5s for something more compound. In the past, dips irritated on an old rotator cuff injury, so I would prefer to avoid them. What about close grip bench versus tricep extensions?

Next cycle, I plan to alternate squats with traditional deadlifts with no SLDL, but stay the course for this version of HST.
CGBP is a good alternative to dips. Keep your elbows by your sides.

If you think you want to get a better grip, get a set of hand grips. They have them now going up to 350 pounds of pressure. I use them in the winter watching TV to keep arthritis in my hands and fingers at bay and they do not seem to bother the carpal tunnel. I wouldn't waste gym time on exercising wrists. has reasonably priced grippers.