My routine idea


New Member
Hello and thank you for taking the time to look over my routine I'm thinking of doing for my next cycle. Without further ado, here it is:

3x per week (a/b/a style)

A workout (in order)
Leg Curl
Chin (wide grip)
Bent Over Row
Lateral BO Raise (focusing on rear delts)
Incline BB Curl
Tricep Push Down
Standing Calf Raise
DB Flys
Weighted Sit-up
Weighted Side bends

B workout (in order)
Chin (close grip)
Bent Over Row
Shoulder Press
Lateral BO Raise (focusing on rear delts)
Incline BB Curl
Tricep Push Down
Standing Calf Raise
Straight Arm Pull-over
Weighted Sit-up
Leg Raises

Set/reps will be:

2 weeks 1x15 (or to significant burn)
2 weeks 1x10, 1x5 (or any combination that totals 15)
2 weeks 3x5 (or any combination that totals 15)
2 weeks post 5's

I was also thinking of implementing M-time on some of the lifts just to try it out. Like on Chins & Dips. I've been contemplating doing MAX-stim for a while now and might just end up doing that routine.

Also I'm wondering if I should alternate exercises or stick with the same ones throughout. I'm trying to keep variables low, and was wondering if changing from say bench to dips (which also has different weight) might be throwing off adaption to load (say the dip was hitting the muscle harder than bench so I was getting an overload on dip days, then underload on bench days).

My last cycle was terrible. I got sick as soon as I hit the 5's and it stayed with me for 3 weeks (sinus infecton). After I started feeling better and tried to lift again I couldn't complete the volume (lungs just couldn't take it), so I just did what I could do to finish the cycle. I ended up losing quite a bit of weight (10lbs) and size this cycle, so I'm trying to make it up with this next one.

Thank you again.
Too much!!! This routine calls for you to do 13 exercises in your A routine and 39 exercises during your 5's. I never use more than 8 different exercises in my routines.

For the A routine I would keep or change to the following:

Shoulder Press
incline bench press
Incline BB Curl
close grip bench press
Standing Calf Raise

I would keep or change to the following for the B rouine:

Pull ups
Bent Over Row
Shoulder Press
Hammer Curl
French press
Standing Calf Raise
yeah, look what O&G said that is my opinion too ! when you want to do a A/B routine. i would suggest a A routine 3times per week
maybe you can alternate squat and deads.... but that was not your question so i shut up.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">2 weeks 1x15 (or to significant burn)
2 weeks 1x10, 1x5 (or any combination that totals 15)
2 weeks 3x5 (or any combination that totals 15)
2 weeks post 5's</div>

one week of 15`s would be fine, no need for two weeks if you dont have joint problems. then two weeks 2x10 and two weeks 3x5 and post 5`s are fine. you can lenghten up your cycle when you throw a week with 8reps in or something..... just remember what brian says:
&quot;hst is not about sets and reps!&quot;
(maybe look here for lenghten up your cycle: LINK

don`t change your exercises in an cycle, i see no need to do this!
max-ot? hm i dont know whats that, but when you want something different from hst then bill star`s 5x5 routine will be fine or dual factor hypertrophy training. (all programs that are depending on the dual-factor theory will be fine)

hey sun-tzu, how was spring break ?
I've been doing a routine like this for several months and volume hadn't become an issue for me until I got sick, but if you are thinking it's too much old I'll drop some of it.

I'm willing to give your list a try. I want to work on some weak areas (legs, upper back, chest, core) but I also want everything to be hit, hence the large amount of exercises. I really should take a cycle just for corrective purposes to be honest. Sitting in a computer chair 9-10 hour a day for 12+ years has taken it's toll.

I don't have a usually spring break as I'm out of school, but life is good and I'm just relaxing a little before I make my next move. How was yours?