My routine. Thoughts?


New Member
I've been lifting for a year now and made some decent gains. I'm 5.10 ft and 184 lbs. I got my arms to 15.5 inches during this time but to get to 17 inch arms I decided to try HST. Also my right leg is injured so I can't really train legs for a while. Anyway, how does this routine look?

M W F 15 reps and 10 reps

Chest: dumbbell bench press, dumbbell chest flies
Back: Pullups, dumbbell rows
Shoulders: Shoulder press, rear delt flies
Triceps: weighted bench dips
Biceps: Barbell Curls
Traps: shrugs

When I'll get to 5 rep block I will remove some exercises.

Your routine looks fine.
Personally I wouldnt bother with the flies or rear delts (maybe try 'face pulls' instead?)
Your chest will get enough work with the dumbbell bench press and dips, and your delts (which are a small muscle group anyway) will be worked more than adequately with every other exercise you are doing anyway!

Oh, and if you use the 1 set of 15s, 2 X 10s and 3 X 5s, guideline, for the number of exercises you are doing, (especially if you dont do the flies and rear delts) I wouldnt worry about cutting any of them out - unless you feel you are overtraining, and if you are reasonably young, that shouldnt be the case.

Good luck

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Hi, thanks for the reply.
I agree on rear delts. As of chest, I intended bench dips as a tricep exercise. In this exercises I can't lean forward as in parallel dips so the chest is less involved. Do you still think I should keep just bench press for the chest?
Another thing I wanted to ask is: Lets say I set my max 15 barbell curl at 50 lbs. How low should I start on day one? can I add 3 lbs each workout, or 5 lbs is a must?
Dont worry about the small stuff. Stick to the principles. Progressive matter what increment you use. Are doing 2 week blocks?

Also if you begin to reach failure during your set dont worry just stop rest and do another set. The total rep volume is what matters. This sysyem is very easy. Just follow it to the T. And train with PRINCIPLES.