My Routine


New Member
Does this look good?

Bench Press
Bent Rows
Dumbell Mil Press
Pull Downs
Incline Bench
BB Curl
CG Bench

i know my 5 rm maxes on these so i'm going to just take 14 days off and estimate my 15rm and 10rm .

how does this look?
Looks good, except squats instead of deadlifts. You have bent rows and shrugs, so deadlifts will be overkill on the back. And squats will work the quads more than deads.
You can also keep them all if you like, just alternate squats and deads, flat bench with incline bench, maybe even your CG bench with the military presses. It's sort of what I do, hitting each muscle group 2 ways, but not in one workout, so I can hit them pretty hard.
I don't think it matters in the 15's if you're just doing one set. I do 2 sets minimum of anything I do, so it matters. It also depends upon your recovery abilities. You'll have to pay attention to things as you feel them out, cycle by cycle and KEEP THEM LOGS!
+1 for squats.

Either replace the deads, or alternate.
alright i'm going to replace dl with squats or maybe i'll just rotate them but i think i'll keep everything the same b/c i want to try and get some extra growth and strength in my chest. i'll keep you guys updated on this hst b/c i'll be taking xfactor and maybe an e+c stack for some weight lose