My time for whining!


HST Expert
At the risk of sounding like a real pain in the ass, it is my right to whine this time 'round!

Whilst I was giving Mikey's (15/10/5 in one week) HST variant, the following happened.

1 - I was stupid enough to inoculate myself with flu, took my nasal spray and used after my child had used it, he had the flu! Real Duuuh moment for me as I am a microbiologist for crying out loud!

2 - It was bad enough to lay me off training even though I doused myself with Vitamin C, I honestly felt like crap

3 - As if this wan not enough, my partner, and this devout character is as "strong bugger", had an motorcar accident on the weekend, ended up injuring both shoulders and chest, fortunatelly only some internal injury, but good enough to lay him off for 6 weeks (that is a whole cycle)

My solution:

Go back to square one and re-start.

I'll have to adjust things on bench pressing for the 5's as from about 80 Kg onwards it is not safe to go it alone(unracking and re-racking).

Pre-exhaust with one set of flyes before hand and reduce main exercises some (+/- 10% or 15%).

The rest I can go it alone, apart from having to re-discipline myself!

Anyways sorry for the big rant, I just had to whine a little too!
Glad your training buddy is not too badly hurt.

Seeing that you are trying 15s, 10s and 5s each workout I would just start over. That'll give your mate a bit more time to recover. Maybe he'll be well enough to give you a spot by the end of your cycle?

For chest why not do flyes and then db presses just for this cycle?
I knew some buddy would eventually not just look but give a hand as i don't often whine! Thanks Bud!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">For chest why not do flyes and then db presses just for this cycle? </div>

That means setting up two pairs of d/b's but you got something there, lot easier to handle than a bar that is too heavy, good one. I am not dropping dips though.

This is my current combo in superset format:

2 sets squats 2x/week+ 2 sets Deads 1x/week those are not supersetted of course!
will end up doing 3 sets during 5's

15- 1 sets each/10's 2 sets/5's 3 sets

(as suggested) d/b fly (light weights)+d/b press+Dips (sounds brutal) - keep as 1 set
Weighted Chins+Pendlays - above regime
Military press+lateral+bent over raises- keep to 1 set
D/B incline curls+Pushdowns

Days off - dogxercise+ running with the kids, a little of HIIT, then 1 set tabata on stat bike.

Nutrition - special of the day! Whatever the lady's got special + daily 5 g creatine.