my workout good?


New Member
hey these will be my new exercises for my next cycle, i would like to know your opinion on them ;) thanks

1)Chin ups
2)Pull ups
4)one arm DB row
6)tricep pushdown
7)Upright row
8)DB lunges
9)military press (shoulder presses)
10)incline chest press
A life without Squats, is no life at all..

Besides that I would consider rearrangeing a bit. Compunds first. Eg. Military press after iso Tricep work, would reduce weight for the more important exercises. I'd go for some thing like this: (Given your initial choise of excerzises)

DB lunges
Dips - Asuming this is chest Dips.
incline chest press
Pull ups
Chin ups
One arm DB row
Upright row
military press (shoulder presses)
-Insert Bicep iso here-
tricep pushdown

Might get rid of the One arm DB row.
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why get rid of 1 arm db row? and yeah thanks wasnt going to do them in that order was just listing the exercises, and i'll add concentration curls, but apart from that is it good? incline chest press ok instead of bench press?
why get rid of 1 arm db row?
Overkill, i think. And not enough weight. I'd focus on pullup and chinups.

and yeah thanks wasnt going to do them in that order was just listing the exercises, and i'll add concentration curls, but apart from that is it good? incline chest press ok instead of bench press?
Well i'd never leave out Squats, as mentioned above.

And as for the incline bench, if you're considering 45 degree inclines, I wouldn't switch. You'll lose to much weight and allow for to much front delt involvement.

In genneral I don't think you should ever switch an exercise for a lesser one, unless an injury demands it.
Might I ask, why you are considering new exercises?
sure you may ask ;) it is because i am moving from my home gym to a gym as a new gym has opened up really near me. Furthermore i am only against squats as i have had back problems and heard that squats compresses the spine which is bad? (i'm aware many people squat and are fine) but for me i believe that it would possible injure my back (i've already had a stress fracture there before) so i rather not do the best exercise for mass (so i've heard) and stil be able to workout? Also i really enjoy deadlifts but what is better, so far i only have dumbells (at my home) but is using a barbell better??