Myo-Reps & CNS fatigue / Overtraining

Hi, I have included Myo-Reps in my HST recently with my 15s and 10s. I do 5s with straight sets. Does using Myo-reps instead of classic sets put more strain on the CNS and lead to overtraining if I keep total reps per exercise the same. I would be doing the same number of reps using less time. For example: Instead of Bench press 2 Sets x 10 reps now 10+3+3+3 (each of the 3s as Myo-reps, 10-15 sec rest) or maybe 10+3+3+3+2 the same with other exercises 3x week Bench press 2 sets Rows 2 sets Shoulder press 2 sets Shrugs 1 set Curls 1 set Skull Crushers 1 set Squats 2 sets Would this be more problematic in terms of CNS recovery? Could I still train 3x week with Myo-reps? Blade said in his original Myo-posts that you should only use Myo-rep with 2-3 exercises (if this was translated correctly) Thanks
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In my humble opinion myo reps are used to get around sticking points and are often only used with the 5 + negs phase of HST but I suppose you can use them (within reason) without going too far as yes, they have teh capability of exacerbating your CNS without a doubt if over used.

Have you done a full HST program right thourgh to 5 + negs?

thanks for your reply.

Yes, I did 3 HST cycles. Week 7-8 were not negatives, but I continued with the 5s at max. Weight (like suggested in the HST FAQ book).
But I almost never felt sore even though I did go to failure sometimes at the end of each mini-cycle. The number of straight sets per workout were in the range of 12-14.

I know soreness does not indicate a good workout (according to Bryan), but now with the myo-reps, I am slightly sore and I feel the muscles better.

Would it make more sense to increase the number of straight sets (some people on this forum mentioned something like 20 sets per workout) before doing myo-reps to spare the CNS?
Actually, the whole point of myo reps is to allow greater volume and frequency while reducing cns fatigue through auto regulation. You should only be training to 1-2 reps shy of failure on both the activation set and the last set of myo reps 'mini' sets. So you train fairly hard twice per muscle group (if you do one exercise per muscle as Borge suggests). If you stick to his 3 day program which is similar to a 5x5 set up (3 'big' exercises plus a few iso's) then you should be able to recover no problem.
ok. I am going to use myo-reps with the 15s and the 10s. Straight sets for 5s.
I also increased my calories to about 4500-5000 kcal per day, 300g protein a day, and gained quite a bit over the past 2-3 weeks, though I guess it wasn't much muscle mass.