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New Member
Hey, I'm heading out to the gym now.

I'm finishing 5's, starting heavy 3's next. Friday was to end the 5's. I only got to do squats and sldl. The rest had to be skipped because something came up I had to tend to.

Do I just do the last 5's workout today or just move on as scheduled?

If I do the 5's today, is it safe and HST applicable to go ahead and go with another 10lb increase on squats/deads in addition to doing the other stuff today?

Ordinarily, this wouldn't be a problem, however since I'm due to change to the heavier work for really low reps I'm not sure what to do.

I would do the last 5s workout. It doesn't matter if you add 10 lbs ot your squats/deads. The weight you last used is still effective for at least another couple weeks, so it will be effective for another workout still.

Good luck.
Well, poop. I thought I'd go ahead and go out there and go for 200 for 3x5 today. Do the whole last 3x5 workout, then move on as scheduled.

Didn't work too well. Low back spasms before I even got to the working weight.

I guess, ever actually getting to lift heavy again simply isn't going to happen for me. 24 weeks of lighter lifting, 2 HST cycles, feeling great, then for no reason at all...OUCH.
Muscular spasm or nerve twinge? And you were fine last w/o for 3x5rep worksets? Perhaps you will just have to stick to higher reps and lighter loads for squats and in the meantime try to sort your lower back out. Perhaps start with 20 reps and work down to 10 or 8 reps?
Are you doing sldls heavy 3s??? No wonder...

I'd never do anymore than your 10RM weight on those man... and stick to heavy atg squats for getting the rest of your ham workout.
Naah, I didn't even get to the SLDL. I made it to my 2nd warmup set, only had 120lbs on the bar - not even close to the working weight of 200lbs. I did 190 true ATG oly squats the previous workout and it was sooo easy. Just one of those things that happens sometimes. Something went bad, I'm not sure what though because my form was excellent (how can it not be with 120 on the bar, it's pretty easy to keep good form for warmups) and I felt a twinge in my erectors and knew it was time to stop. Today, it's down to my SI joint, I can stretch and manipulate it to walk. Then a couple of hours later, it has to be re-done or I'm flat on my back again.

I'm going to just do a nice SD to totally rest up, get the weight back down low and work my way up again as planned. I'm just getting the SD 2 weeks early.

Actually to keep from getting imbalances, I squat and SLDL with the same weight. I can SLDL with 30% more than I squat and CDL with 100% more. I don't anymore though for safety reasons.

I'm lucky, I'll be fine in a week. It's just muscle tightness and some SI sublaxation...the usual thing.