Need Advice


New Member
I just finished my 7th week of HST. I'm doing my 5rm in place of negatives as I don't have a spotter. I noticed the other night that after squating down (just to pick stuff up) a few times my legs started to become very sore. Normally I'm not sore at all, so this seemed a little strange to me. After about an hour it went away. Well tonight I did my workout and the same thing happened during my squats and my legs felt sore/painful/weak through the rest of my workout. My left inner thigh also started producing a sharp pain on the concentric movement of the squat. I immediately slowed it down and took it easy for the rest of the workout.

The only changes I have made in the last week is adding drop sets to my workout (and increasing weight of course). I've been doing 2 sets of 5s and then a set of 10 (dropset) to get a pump, because I haven't been feeling like I have been getting pumped without the dropset.

I'm worried that I may have overtrained my legs with the added dropset, in which case, I'm thinking I should start my SD a week early just in case. What's your advice?

I've made some really good gains with this first HST routine, but I think I need to focus on balancing out some of my muscle imbalances, such as my inner thigh that is now hurting.
Hey Sun-Tzu :)

If the soreness and suspected injury to your leg makes you unable to train effectively at all, then there's really no question here. Rest is all you can do. You only absolutely need to see a doctor if you suspect it is something serious because it starts to hurt on normal everyday motions, perhaps like sitting on the toilet. :D But if it's not too much out of your way, you can drop by and see a good sports doc anyway, wouldn't hurt as long as he knows his stuff well.

However, don't stop right now. On your next workout, drop the affected leg routines for a while. It's just one workout, so don't sweat it. Then see how it feels. If it starts to get better, maybe it just wanted a little rest, perhaps doing the heavy squats was too much. If it doesn't seem to get better, then continue with your routine except for those exercises that hurt your legs.

I'm sure a little rest will fix that up since you said it doesn't really hurt so much all the time, and you described it as a "soreness" instead of something more severe like "sharp pain" or "tearing pain"

Thanks for the advice JV. I think the weights were just too much. I'll take the next workout off and then try to go back up on the next workout.

Should I cut back on drop sets every workout and just do it every other?

I was also considering lowering the weight a little. I think I'm causing too much strain when I'm near parallel to the floor.
You say that when you're parallel you may be causing too much strain.  I don't know if you mean at that particular part, or if you're ONLY going down until your upper legs are parallel to the ground, but if that's what you're doing then you may want to lighten the load and squat all the way down.  You're usually less prone to being injured if you use the full range all the way down.  You may need to put some plates down to on the ground so that your heels are slightly raised.  If I don't do that I lose my balance.  I fell one time while squatting with 315 'cause I lost my balance and that was not fun  
Yeah I only go to parallel.

I just read that I shouldnt do drop sets more than once a weak because it's so taxing on the CNS. I guess that explains my fatigue.